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RE: (Adapt 2030) Sulfur Dioxide Spreads from Kilauae to Micronesia's Ancient Megalithic City (619)

in #weather7 years ago

Yeah I was out of town too. I just hopped back on. I am glad the gift helped, it wasn't much, but it's what I had. Jehovah is generous so, I strive to be generous as well. Peace to you my friend.


Brother, I'm glad we came across each other. There are two things I said I'd like to share with you. One then and later the other.
The first was the link to Watchtower Online Library telling us not to share JW content.
Now the second is this that you may have studied, but in case you haven't I just want to share it with you because it really benefited me even though I was never inactive by Jehovah's grace. So even if you are back 'full circle', this will surely benefit you friend when you take time to study it, through this Jehovah is saying to us, 'You are precious, I love you, my friends love you too'
Here's a link[search_id]=265979bb-b8ea-478f-b03e-296fd057b313&insight[search_result_index]=0
Jehovah's blessings be with you

I feel that Jehovah truly draw those he loves. Undeserved kindness is a gift from Jehovah. Thanks brother for the timely link. I appreciate it sincerely.

Thank Jah