Business Activity / @Cactusgens / How can I know if I am taking care of my Cactaceae specimens correctly? 🌿💜✨🤔 / 10% Reward Business Activity

in Business Activity3 years ago


Hello, happy afternoon to the entire Business activity community,as it is always a pleasure to make each article with all the love in the world regarding our plants, those that help us every day to lift our spirits and get out of the routine through the care we give them. How we can decorate and place them in our home, this is undoubtedly a liberating activity for all plant lovers.

As always we provide valuable information on healthy and strong plants to be able to offer our clients beautiful specimens as we said before for the home, but also this type of plants are used to have them inside a commercial premises either at the reception in a lobby, or Up to a balcony as long as you are looking for the best way to decorate the spaces that each of our clients need.


Remember that at cactusgens we are constantly looking to offer you the best arrangements and plants, this we can achieve as long as we provide appropriate care regarding:

  • Maintenance
  • Irrigation
  • Substrate
  • Illumination
  • Transplant
  • Selection of Plants
  • Selection of Environments



Taking into account each of the characteristics that we leave explained above, we can be able to grow Cactaceae or ornamentals in excellent conditions, these factors go hand in hand because by enforcing them to the letter, the plant will grow in an extraordinary way.

How can I observe in each of the photographs that we show you below, they can detail cacti and succulents specifically of the cacti family, remember that they must be kept with one:

  • Appropriate lighting
  • Direct sun
  • Moderate irrigation
  • Cactaceae Special Substrate



It is vitally important that these four factors go together, that is, there is something that we always recommend in our articles and that is to apply the Direct observation method which consists of monitoring the evolution that our issue is having weekly We must see if its leaves turn yellow or, on the contrary, they become dry, if at the time of watering the water flows quickly or there is some ponding, if it is receiving some type of correct lighting this we can detail it in the tan and the texture or the form the plants take.



Being able to follow each of these factors that we left you previously, you are going to have plants in totally strong and healthy conditions in the nursery, we are always applying this method since we do not have a single species but more than 15 species so far which each of they have their way of caring for them, there are some that need more sun than others, more care and dedication.

What the opposite of others that you can stop watering for up to a week and yet they continue to evolve in perfect conditions.



We recommend that you follow each of our articles where you will always find valuable information so that your plants develop in the correct way. For people who are in the area of Barcelona Venezuela who contact us through the social network steemit on the main page of our business we will be offering a 10% discount on each of our products, they just have to write to us and identify themselves with their steemit user.

It will be a pleasure to serve you and advise you. ✨🌿💜




See you in our next edition, let us know your opinion and know if you have ever worked with this type of material.


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Some photographs were taken from our official page, you can see them in the following link. 👇

Have More Advice on Our Commercial Profile @Cactusgens

Business name:@Cactusgens
Owner's name:@gensequini
Business address:Barcelona, Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
About us:Link Presentation


 3 years ago 

Hello, thank you always for keeping us up to date on the proper care that you must provide to the plants.

This type of plant is very solicitous.

Among the appearance colors, they make them look great.

Your recommendations for a naturally radiant plant.


 3 years ago 

Thank you for the support you always give us with your valuable comment.

 3 years ago 

Hi @cactusgens we are happy to welcome you here all the decorations you show are very nice and create their own unique beauty thank you for sharing about good planting care we love all your decorations

 3 years ago 

Nice to provide you with special plant content.

 3 years ago 

As always, you leave us fundamental tips for the care of plants, specifically cacti.
What happens if when watering my plant the water does not flow according to your specifications?
Greetings dear @gensequini

 3 years ago 

What happens if when watering my plant the water does not flow according to your specifications?

Hello friend @maurelvys a pleasure to receive your comments, if this phenomenon happens to your plants, you should apply reprinting or it is a few words to change the substrate, and provide one with more porocity so that at the time of irrigation the water flows without problem.

Spectacular plants that are part of your show and the information you provided us, greetings and blessings.

 3 years ago 

Los cactus, son plantas muy hermosas al igual que su trabajo amiga, bendiciones

 3 years ago 

Gracias amiga por apreciar nuestro negocio. Saludos?

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