A Tale Of Two Headlines

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Both these stories are floating around this week on various news sites...

Both Are about The Medical Industry (& Social Non-Values) in Britain...

Britain has Nationalized Socialized Medical Care.

Tale #1- A Baby in the hospital has a genetic disorder. The Hospital wants to take the baby off life support & have it "DIE with Dignity."

The parents raised 1.6+ million dollars and want the hospital to give them back their baby, so they can take their baby to the USA, where they have found a doctor who says he can treat the condition. The hospital said NO. The parents went to COURT to get their baby released to them. The Court Said NO No No NO.

So the parents have been told- NO- Your baby must stay here in this British Hospital & DIE- when the Hospital decides to PULL All Life Support Systems.

Because OF COURSE- the baby does not Belong to his Parents. No The BABY is Property of The State.

Tale number 2- Is the British Medical Association- says it's time to stop discriminating against Transgenders. The Government should force all taxpayers-errrr I mean Slaves, pay to have Men Who Claim They Are Women- get "WOMB TRANSPLANTS."

Yah- uhh we should transplant a female uterus into a man, so a man can give birth?????

Seriously- This is the type of Mental Brain Fucks the Medical Industry & The Government is Putting Out.

1- where is the Uterus going to come from?

2- you really think a 'Transplanted Uterus" in a MAN- with Male Hormones & Genes & body Chemistry is going to work?

3- Do you realize you can't TRANSPLANT a Woman's Uterus into another Woman, IT's IMPOSSIBLE! Yet it's going to work for men?

4- Do you know if you have an ORGAN TRANSPLANT- you need to take Immune Suppressing Drugs- That shut down the Bodies Immune System- so How on earth are you going to add a Pregnancy into this?

  1. Did you ever have a Mother? Now think about it. A man surgically gets a "womb" & Gives Birth. It's Just So Horrible & Gross.....

Sometimes I feel really GOOD. Sometimes I Think to myself that ALL THOSE People- who Claim 99.9999+% of People on the Face of The Earth are 110% Brain Dead Retard Morons- Is Really Very Cruel & Could Not Possibly Be True.

Then There Are These Two Stories-


Baby Must Die Story Here


Men Should Get Uterus Transplant Here!


If it doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any sense a question is who benefit from all this nonsense it's simply depopulation agenda the humans are the problem when we stopped leave by a law of Nature and become leaving by law of man the any psychopath and sociopath will tell you how to run your life😩

Thanks for commenting, I also believe it is in part Psychological Warfare on The Public.

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