CDC Knew Her Son Was At Higher Risk; but now Austin Figueroa is #4920 Name on the Bus! (VaxXed Stories From The Road)

in #vaccines7 years ago

"I just wish that I could step back in time,

and just know what I know now.

I would NEVER have vaccinated him at all, from day one!"

... quote above from Sonia Osborne Figueroa

The CDC knew all along that her son was at higher risk for autism!

See My Earlier Article Below:

MMR Vaccine Causes 700% Increase in Autism: Whistleblower Exposes CDC Study Fraud

On this 'VaxXed Stories from the Road' video, a mother explains how her normal, healthy boy developed autism as a result of his vaccinations.

Please take the time to listen to her carefully. I have shared many stories here of vaccine injuries such as this one.

We need to listen to these parents and determine for ourselves what the truth is. To do that you must hear all sides. You must take the time to listen and determine with your mind and your heart. THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of people are speaking out, and I have been highlighting several of these stories here on Steemit.


          PLEASE, Please Watch this 19-minute Video:

Posted to youtube on 2017-07-22:

Interview recorded on March 28, 2017 in Florida.

Sonia signed the VaxXed Nation Tour Bus

Austin #4920 and Aiden #4921

and then fighting tears she said:

"Thank-you for everything that you are doing, and for bringing this to LIGHT."

"Because so many people just don't get it! They don't understand. Nobody has empathy for what we go through."

"This is an AMAZING film. I support you guys 100%."

"Thank-you from the bottom of my heart!"

"Thank-you for touring; for taking the time away from your own families to get the TRUTH out!"




"... how the government can get away with this."

"Because of profit! Because of greed! It's not fair."

"Our children should not be guinea pigs because of these vaccines!"


"Thank-you for raising awareness. It's invaluable what you guys are doing."

For More Information on the VaxXed Film & Movement, read my earlier article below:

"Into The Light" - A Short-Film Tribute to The VaxXed Movement by Forrest Maready

And more are speaking out every day, each one, emboldened by the ones before them. Some of them but a whisper, but as millions of families begin whispering around the world, the noise will be deafening. These families will not be ridiculed into silence any longer. They will speak their stories, the stories will be heard, and those that hear them will believe. A flood is coming."

                     -- from "Into The Light"

More articles at my Blog @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

my parents where always against those vaccins. I never got them. My mother even wanted to go to prison if necesary with an obligated vaccin not giving to my younger brother because she almost lost 2 of her child because of a vaccin that was obligated. thanks for the story!

Thank-you for sharing your story. So glad to hear that your mother skipped your vaccinations.
It's no wonder she did that after almost losing two of her children to them before she had you.

Gosh... am almost at a loss for words.

Sonia Osborne Figueroa, the mother of Austin, expresses herself so effectively and it's heart-breaking while listening because You can feel/know that she is holding back her emotions, tears, frustrations, etc... so she can more fully & intelligently convey the tragedy that her son, Austin as gone thru... because she didn't trust her "Motherly instincts" AND because she instead trusted her Doctor, the AMA and the pharmaceutical industry.

UpVoted & ReSTEEMed...

Thank You Again Linda 4 Your perseverance in continuing to get the word out !!

Yes, she expresses so many important things in her video.
I decided this time to let people listen for themselves, because it would have taken a long time to write out all the information that she shared.
But when she broke down emotionally at the end, after signing her injured son's name and trying to express how thankful that she was for the work being done in getting these stories out to the masses,
that really touched my heart. So I focused my text on that.

Thanks so much @sacred-agent!

YES... Your focus on what she said at the end was perfect because what she said came straight from her HEART and was absolutely perfect...

vaccines are not for everyone. You have no idea what they are pumping into your body. Doctors do not often have the time nor the incentive to level with you. They are PAID by big Pharma. They have no reason to level with you. If they have monetary opportunity to treat the symptom for $750,000 for a period of several years rather than cure you for $300.00 they will listen to money. Many folks have adverse reactions to vaccines and it should be an individual choice. WE HAVE THE CHOICE TO HAVE AN ABORTION BECAUSE IT IS OUR BODY BUT NOW WHEN IT COMES TO vACCINES! That is hypocrisy and a convenient double standard. WHY? vaccines are not like clothing, laptops or cars that can be mass produced for all. The Henry Ford of assembly line drugs does not drive well in our bodies. Different chemicals have different reactions. One person's body has an entirely different set of chemistry than another person has. So two people will react differently. Folks have died of vaccines. They have acquired autism and a host of other sometimes permanent conditions and illnesses from choosing to believe what they are told by the media, the medical field and their peer group. It is not cool to be anti-vaccine is the mentality out there. Therefore there is pressure to keep the anti-vaccine movement at bay. Or they work hard to discredit the claims. You are given one body baby. For some of us we work to preserve it as a temple for God. Regardless one MUST protect themselves and not be a part of the blind sheeple. No on else is going to do it for you. Educate yourself about vaccines and their effects on the human body. Educate others like this post is doing. We have a moral and even spiritual responsibility to do this for ourselves and others. How many more folks must die before we wipe off the apathy and fear and take a stand for humanity? Thanks for sharing. - Troy

It's so obvious that these vaccinations are causing serious problems, anyone with any doubt just needs to watch this video.
How can anyone deny this mothers testimony that before her son was poisoned he was a normal developed child. I was surprised about how well she kept it together during the interview but it was good to see her at the end venting her anger and frustration. This should act as a stark warning to any parent out there who is in any doubt that these vaccinations are anything other than pure poison.
Thanks again @canadian-coconut

@markwhittam, I agree. I cannot understand how many people (who are aware of the vaccine risks) still go right ahead.. vaccinate their babies with the most ridiculous mixes of up to 6 viruses in a single shot and then still brag about how BRAVE their child was. It should be treated as child mishandling in my opinion. If the people do not yet know about the dangers vaccines carry then I will still to a point have sympathy but not when you are arrogantly testing fate.

Wow, Sonia's story is powerful. You watch her in the interview and can tell what strength it took to share this piece of her life.

I don't know how many Austin and Aidens it will take, but I pray the truth is made known.

Supporting you and supporting the Vaxxed film. Thank you.

Wow i just visited your blog and so much information. Never knew anything about vaccines before my son was born and am i sure glad i did my research, alot of research. Jaxon is almost 1 now, not vaccinated, and healthy as ever! We are also pondering what route to go with schooling as we are against the public school brainwashing. Ty for your work :)

Really a very devastating real life story @canadian-coconut, I could feel how Sonia must have felt when she discovered all this and seeing her 2nd son being affected!
Like I told you before, I have a small daughter of 3yrs old and will surely not bear to see this happen to her. Thanks for sharing this out and hope this reaches to maximum people in the world!
But the sad story is that same like in my country many places in the world you are forced to give vaccination to your kids for them to be admitted in school! I can call myself lucky as I did not have any, as I was always absent on the day when I was supposed to be vaccinated!
The only scar on my shoulder is maybe one that was made when I was very small!
So many people are told lies abt vaccines , and everyone just believe in it blindly!

Thank-you for sharing this. And your parents were very smart to not send you to school on the days of the vaccinations.

Many schools and governments tell the people that vaccines are mandatory when they are not. Schools around here lie all the time about it; but as soon as an informed parent tells them that they know that isn't true, they will backtrack and admit it.
In some places you just have to sign an exemption form -- a piece of paper that the principal has in his desk drawer.
I don't know specifics about your country, but this could very well be true there as well.
Thank-you for commenting again. All the best to you!

Oh thanks a lot for telling me this @canadian-coconut, this will be very useful when they will ask my daughter to do it! I will surely ask for the exemption form! You are right, there must be something for those who refuse!
Thanks again for such a great piece of advice!
You are awesome!

It breaks my heart every time I hear a story like this. As a previous pro-vaxxer, it reminds me this could just as easily be me in her shoes right now. We should be listening to the parents instead of the doctors here. They are the ones who care for children everyday and they are the ones who can tell when something has changed with their child.
My heart goes out to this mother. She is obviously trying to make her story heard to warn others of what has happened to her son. I'll be resteeming. Even if it makes just one other parent think about their vaccine choice it'll be worth it.

Thank-you so much @katem
My heart breaks too for parents and children like this.
I do what I can to help warn people and prevent as many future problems as I can.

You're doing a great job :)

Everyone of these stories is heartbreaking. It makes me so angry that most people are still unaware of the danger or have the 'won't happen to my kids' attitude. I have a lad who works for me who has 4 kids under 8 and 2 have never been the same since MMR. He believes the vaccinations are the reason but his partner doesn't and she had the youngest 'jabbed' recently without telling him!
WTF is up with people?
Sorry for ranting, it gets my goat.

I really believe that people need to have the chat about vaccines before ever falling in love, getting married or having children. Of course, when you don't figure it out until afterwards, it can be a HUGE problem when you disagree.

It's not even something that is really discussed here much in the UK, when you bring it up you get screamed down by poorly educated SJW's. My sister has had abuse from mothers in the support group she takes my nephew too, who still deny vaccines are the reason their children hsve difficulties.
I think they want the blame to sit elsewhere so they don't feel the guilt of their decisions.
And sorry I didn't say great piece I was too busy ranting.

It is a difficult subject to approach if someone's child may already be injured.
I did a story a while back on a baby who died of the DTP vaccine.

At the 6-minute mark on the video (2nd video of Bundy family) the mom talks about how at the funeral someone asked if the baby had just been vaccinated and her reply was f*-you! She then talks about how people are in denial because they don't want to feel guilty.

Perhaps in England people are so militant about vaccines because their media keeps repeating over and over about how British doctor Andrew Wakefield started all this non-vax stuff. The propaganda is huge there.

Cheers fo the links CaCo.
I'll take read, and your right about the propaganda here it's awful.

"Our children should not be guinea pigs because of these vaccines!"

It is WORSE, because they are not experimenting on children, they ALREADY KNOW that there are potential problems! These tragedies need not happen, yet they do. WHY? Due to greed. I really don't understand why this can go on so long. Are people just not listening? Do they not care? Is the brainwashing so deep that people can no longer even make up their own minds?

The brainwashing is VERY, very deep.
"Vaccines are safe and effective." End of story. Many people don't want to hear anything else.
It has become a religion for many actually. Vaccines are not allowed to be questioned, because in their minds without the crazy numbers of vaccine injections that people get today, the apocalypse would happen and the end of the world would be nigh!
Anyone who questions any aspect of any vaccine's safety or effectiveness, is immediately labelled a quack. Also many doctors and scientists have lost their careers for speaking about their concerns, so most of them don't bother to raise concerns.

Thanks for your comment!

Thanks go to you for your continued efforts to expose the racketeering that is passed off as medical science. To expose those Governments that attempt to force vaccines on everyone and go so far as to threaten taking children away from parents who do not comply with mandated vaccination schedules. Yet, people under those conditions still maintain the belief they live in a free country! If that isn't scary, I don't know what is.

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