Support for legalized marijuana hits an all-time high

Public support fueled by proposals from politicians continue to aim for legalization of marijuana at the federal level

(Photo by GDJ via Pixabay)

With 30 states having legalized medicinal marijuana and the West Coast states of Washington, Oregon, and California along with Alaska, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Vermont, and Colorado green lighting marijuana use for all citizens, support for legal marijuana continues to gain momentum rapidly.

In November, Michigan will take a vote on legal marijuana while Utah decides on medicinal marijuana. If approved, Michigan will become the first Midwest state to legalize marijuana. Oklahoma’s move to allow medical marijuana was interpreted as a potent sign of the unified support for legalizing marijuana.

With Canada having successfully ended marijuana prohibition, the motion has likely had an effect on its bordering neighbor who seems to be well on the way towards following in its footsteps.

31% of Americans supported the legalization of marijuana in 2000, but that number has jumped up to 61% in 2018, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center. A poll by the Quinnipiac University showed that 94% support medicinal marijuana, with another 73% opposing federal regulation in states that have already legalized marijuana.

76% also support the reducing of marijuana’s classification as a Schedule 1 drug, which labels it as a drug with no medicinal use and a high abuse rate along the likes of heroin and LSD.

Legislation targets prohibition

While marijuana continues to be legalized across the country, it remains illegal on the federal level as a class 1 controlled substance. However, federal regulation is becoming an increasingly growing topic as local legislators continue to support legalization on a nationwide scale.

Sen. Chuck Schumer proposed The Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act, which would take marijuana off the scheduled substances list and decriminalize it at the federal level. If passed, states would have the right to regulate marijuana as they saw fit. The proposal would also grant access to funding for marijuana businesses owned by women and minorities.

Not only that, but it would also allocate $500 million over the next 5 years to work with the National Institutes of Health and the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration to perform research on medicinal marijuana and better understand its key component, THC.

Schumer stated, “When I first came to Congress in 1981, only 1 in 4 Americans believed marijuana should be made legal," he said. "Today that number has climbed to nearly two thirds, a record high.” With public support continuing to gain steam, their voice hasn’t been ignored by legislators who are on their side.

Ending a form of discrimination

The Marijuana Justice Act proposed by Sen. Cory Booker is another form of legislation aimed at ending the federal ban on marijuana. It would legalize marijuana on the federal level, while also providing incentives for states to amend their own laws accordingly. The act would also overturn marijuana related convictions and provide a fund aimed at restoring communities that have been negatively impacted by marijuana regulations.

Racial disparity of marijuana related incarcerations have been one of the biggest arguments for legalizing marijuana. According to Politico, black and brown New York citizens are nearly 10 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana related offenses. In 2017, 86% of people arrested for marijuana possession were colored, with 48% being black and 38% being Hispanic.

Marijuana related incarcerations disproportionately affect people of color (Photo by AlexVan via Pixabay)

Co-sponsor of The Marijuana Justice Act Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand stated, “Just one minor possession conviction could take away a lifetime of opportunities for jobs, education and housing, tear families apart, and make people more vulnerable to serving time in jail or prison down the road. The reality that my 14-year-old son would likely be treated very differently from one of his black or Latino peers if he was caught with marijuana is shameful.”

Drug Policy Alliance associate Queen Adesuyi stated, “As states and most Americans accept that it is time to end marijuana prohibition and its devastating harms to communities of color, it is incredible to see congressional leadership realize that descheduling marijuana is not nearly enough.

The Marijuana Justice Act uniquely centers marijuana legalization in criminal justice reform, accountability and community reinvestment, which are steps in the right direction towards repairing the individual and communal harms of decades of inequitable enforcement.”

Another valuable cannabinoid

While the battle for the legalization of marijuana continues to rage, CBD, or cannabidiol, has gained massive support and popularity as studies have shown that it provides a wealth of benefits to those suffering from anxiety to more serious diseases like Dravet syndrome.

CBD derived from hemp contains less than 0.3% THC, which gives the euphoric and mind altering effects that marijuana is renowned for. As it contains such a low amount, it doesn’t give off any psychoactive sensations, and typically falls within legal jurisdiction.

PotNetwork Holdings, Inc. (OTCMKTS:POTN) is one of the foremost names in the CBD industry, producing and distributing high quality and well known products through its subsidiary, Diamond CBD. The popular brand lineup includes products like Chong’s Choice, which is approved by cannabis pioneer Tommy Chong.

They provide various CBD edibles, vapes, and tinctures, allowing for anytime use at the consumer’s convenience. POTN has also expanded their products to pharmaceutically developed capsules in their Meds Biotech lineup, as well as CBD pet produces through their Medipets brand.

After recording profits of $214,000 in 2017, that number is expected to reach $9.662 million by the end of the year, with a forecast of $34 million in 2020 as the holdings company continues to surge forward. With the increasing deregulation and possibility of federal level marijuana legalization, this only bodes well for the CBD industry as research and studies continue to confirm the powerful medicinal benefits of cannabis.

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