
Well, I reckon prosecutions under this statute should increase by orders of magnitude, since the police are posting threats, intending to induce anxiety, such as:

" will be banned and maybe even prosecuted.”


"...whatever your thoughts on one of my officers seizing drugs in the community, being insulting, abusive or offensive can and will result in a prosecution under the Malicious Communications Act 1988.”

If those statements aren't intended to induce anxiety, and convey a threat--one they have clearly acted on, and intend to continue to act on--there's simply no speech that could.

As the law, as written, reads in part:

"...with the purpose of causing distress or anxiety to the recipient or to any other person to whom it is intended that its contents should be communicated.”

and also seems to include no exclusion of government, or it's agents, I highly recommend that affected individuals suffering anxiety and fear induced by the threats written by Police Inspector Martin Moizer refer him for prosecution under this law.

He deserves to pay for his crimes.


I see stuff like this as a challenge to up my game tbh. Not planning on surviving any attempts at arresting me.

Lol I see what you did there. :p

The guy in the pic commenting about how the UK is the biggest exporter of legal cannabis makes a good point. Talk about hypocrisy.

Only Big Pharma-produced cannabis is allowed! -_-

Looks like the UK got jealous of the police state in the US and decided to up their game.

They cannot be outdone by their spawn!

Well no surprises there. Governments as usual committing crimes against the people.

In related news, harsher laws are currently being designed:

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