In search of the linkage of education in digital competence

in Project HOPE5 years ago


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Before the pandemic, many educators were already looking for some way of finding, implementing and innovating the technological tools that come to the market and that can be very useful to apply within the educational field.

However, I believe that there had not been any event that forced us to update even more in its use than the current reality, in which as a result of the extended quarantine and the social distancing we have had to evolve to a way in which we have had to adapt to a form in which the distance education has taken a great protagonism, but of course it is under the application of virtual and technological tools.

I believe that the best aptitude we can take among teachers is that of being able to generate an environment of competence in which many of us manage to reinforce our competences and skills in the use of digital tools.

Perhaps many teaching colleagues refuse to want to evolve and adapt to the use of technological tools, which, although not very new, really facilitate the work of distance teaching.


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The use and handling of tools such as smart phones facilitates the handling of certain applications that are part of social networks, such as whatsapp, facebook, twitter, instagram, telegram and many others that facilitate this permanent communication with the student, with the intention of monitoring their doubts regarding virtual classes.

In my personal educational experiences, I can tell you that I have already started to teach my university classes at a distance. My plan and strategies to address all the programmatic content of the curricular unit of calculus II and calculus III is the following:

1] To teach the classes: I am uploading videos in the youtube platform, in those videos there is the explanation of how to approach the theoretical and practical knowledge for the resolution of exercises such as graphs, equations, factorization, notable product, derivatives, integrals, derivative applications and integral applications. In conclusion, in order to have a broad vision of the importance of the student being able to obtain a class as close as possible to the one many of us can give in the physical classroom, the use and implementation of youtube to upload the videos can mean the closest thing to a classroom, in this case we could call it a virtual classroom.

2] As a second strategy it is important to have a means of permanent communication with the student, for this we have as secondary tools social networks through the use of old and new smart phone applications.

I cannot deny the fact that in Venezuela there are difficulties to carry out this arduous task, due to the constant electrical failures, the bad Internet service, however with a little optimism, patience and perseverance I believe that a good work can be executed and I believe that we can even get a satisfactory result from this new experience and that it can leave us with excellent learning for all.


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Although this post is made for English speaking users, I want to offer the link to my four videos on the youtube channel where I explain my four classes to all those Venezuelan friends and colleagues who want to have a guide on how I'm approaching my calculus classes:

Demonstration of the derivative by definition

Example of derivative by definition

Mastering a two-variable function

Exercising dominance of a two-variable function

Conclusion of these digital experiences in the educational area

During this time in which the pandemic of the new crown virus came out, many of us found ourselves investing our time sharing with our students by email, answering their doubts and concerns. I believe that for many this beautiful vocation can be revived and revived when perhaps many of us thought it was dead, it is time to come out and apply all the technological tools that we have at hand so that our students feel identified with a quality education in spite of the difficulties of social distancing.


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I hope that the reading of this publication will be of benefit and pleasure to everyone, until a next delivery from your friend @carlos84.



Hello @carlos84 today for more than many do not want to adapt to technology will end up doing so, why? because otherwise they can not develop in their areas of work among other things, unfortunately for some teachers of the old school as who says it is somewhat frustrating because they are not accustomed but unfortunately the situation forces them, also, not this other acquire new knowledge.

On the other hand your education strategies seem to me very good, the videos on youtube are great nowadays it is very easy to make a video out there and besides everybody has to do with that tool. It's important to look for different alternatives to make education attractive and dynamic today.

She is also my dear friend, even if at some historical moment the human being refuses the digital application of certain technological tools in education, in the end there is no other way to evolve and adapt to virtual technology in education.

Thank you for your valuable contribution in this commentary. Greetings and blessings to you.