Cristiano Ronaldo will find the rhythm?
Will the Madrid return to get his rhythm? Could he be champion for the third time in a row? hoping that Christian can be the same scorer that has been from past seasons? we must remember that he is the top scorer of the competition.
All speak of Christian but this needs that the team can generate opporrtunidades of goal so that the Portuguese can reencontraeese with the goal. Christian with the best level can lead to real Madrid to be a champion? while the other individualities do not appear, Madrid can not have over this bad moment.
The press and the fans suggest that Zidane does not succeed in the changes or fail to transmit to the team what he wants them to do. The community has to appear in this key game. We must remember that when passing the gripos phase to the Portuguese he loves to score.
The PSG, which is a very offensive team, is eager to move on to the next round, it does not want to go through a bad experience as it happened against barcelona where he scored four goals in Camp Nou.
The BBC will be for the match against PSG? in these moments when Madrid needs the counterattacks of the bbc to be effective and that the genius of modric and cross are 100% to generate game in the middle of the field and that the front end the task.