Meet #theluvbug and Michael Jarvey and Jose and...

in #music6 years ago

I used to keep a journal,

handwritten in a spiral notebook, but Facebook became my journal.
How many things I would forget, forever, if not for journal entries, or for those Facebook notifications. I love those little photo reminders from Facebook. E.g.,

Seven years ago today....

Back when our son the jazz musician

still lived only 45 minutes away and we'd catch his gigs as often as we could.
Michael Jarvey on his new keyboard; Miles on bass; and

Jose, the Guitarist from Brazil

7 years ago tonight,

Full house, standing room only. A stranger offered Tim and me seats at her table. She was writing a novel. Historical fiction about a terrible fire... seven years later, I need to see if she ever finished it and got it published.

Another video I posted from my Samsung to Facebook,

but haven't been able to embed it here,
March 2017, The Mill - live jazz with Michael Jarvey (better than Keith Jarrett on keyboard, imo), Justin LaDuke on drums, Ryan Smith on sax, Miles Kean....

Four years of high school, four more of college, and in no time at all our son was age 28 and we'd see him only a few times a year.

Summer of 2018 was magical

because Miles moved home for an entire month during his transition from Chicago to New York (Manhattan, then Brooklyn). What a month it was, with lots of live music, the thing I missed most when he first left home for college.

I cried a storm of tears when he left home again, as if it wasn't the most natural thing in the world for our offspring to do.

"He's only forty minutes away," people said when he left for college in 2008. Not the same thing as having live music in my house, daily. The wood floors like a sounding board, vibrating with the physical handwork of his bass, his drums, piano, violin (up until middle school), and all the exotic instruments he'd pick up from time to time.

No, watching YouTube videos of him or playing CDs is not the same as the physical presence, the live music, the simple joy of having our son underfoot.

And now meet @theluvbug

@theluvbug regularly supports the Steemit community with upvotes and resteems of great content which is really adding value to this platform, but in order for me to grow, I also need all of you to help me by spreading the word of #theluvbug...
so even more than your upvotes... your RESTEEMS of posts like this are invaluable!

I'm spreading the word, and I hope you will too.


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Oh myheaven, it worked - thank you @curie, thank you @thelovebug! All those upvotes - now I need to find out if I have enough in my wallet to delegate to curie, freewritehouse, and thelovebug!

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