What we gain when we worry

in #philosophy7 years ago

Worrying is a process of thinking and visualizing a terrible outcome. Most of us know that its emotionally dangerous to go down this path, to experience anguish in anticipation of the worse. Is there something we could or should do?


My favorite quote on this topic is from a very famous Author - Carrie Ten Bloom

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrow - it empties today of strenght"

We are all human, we are all flawed, we all worry sometimes. But if we think back of the times we worried ourselves the most with outcomes, some of our worse fears never occurred... and here we are, still holding on with our strength.



Some people always worry about their future that's why they can't enjoy their present . while some of them always talk about their past. But I think whatever the situation comes in the life we should stay positive .

Totally agree with you. But I think we learn to be worried all the time from our parents and relatives, because since we were little they have been our mirror. So, now it is up to us to change it and like you say, stay positive in whatever situation or at least try!! THANKS! :)

that's right friend, human virtue begins when we can control our emotions .. we are not the ones who decide when to be cheerful or sad, but we are the ones who can be able to decide if a certain situation collapses or raises us.

To achieve serenity at all times is a learning that can take a lifetime, of course in the exercise of the virtues of the human being as you say

that's right, that's exactly what my brother was talking about!

Absolutely right! :)

This is the best comment I’ve read so far. Though we will be facing a lot challenges in life, we should always stay positive whatever happens. :-)

It is ok to remember the past and worry about the future but it is certainly not ok to do it in extremes.


I have never known a case yet, where worry helped

This is very emotional, worry is a big killer diseases to life, like seriously. Thanks a lot @introvert-dim

Right. And "not worrying" as also a skill harnessed. If a person really wants to stop, then he has to start practicing just that -- not worrying. Kind of like forcing a muscle to become weaker after you have trained it, when you really don't need it to be strong, and when, in fact, its strength works against you.

Worrying doesn't helps.
Everything happens for a reason, instead of worrying, I seek help and ask for God's mercy.
I kneeled down and pray.
Then I will feel relieved and think what ever outcome will be has its purpose.

Really Wonderful

My favorite:

Worry is a misuse of imagination!

Sometimes worry is compared with precautions and your commitment to do the right things and it shows your concerns about that but when we over do it that's the dangerous part.
As they say excess of everything is dangerous, so if there is balance then being worried is fine.

Negative thoughts bring negative results, but sometimes it is hard to stay positive.. Listening to motivational video helps a lot when you feel down.

Balance is definitely key, but also surrounding yourself with positive, uplifting people will help

Really beautiful .. wonderful words
Will not be sad who depend on God .and he always tries to make the right decision (be good)
Thanks for sharing. well done

Very true. It helps to be conscious of ourselves as it's easy to work yourself up and not even realize what you are doing till you pay attention.

Well done .. great post
It's okay to be worried ..
The worst is sadness and depression

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy. - Leo Buscaglia

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