The Diary Game: 15/04/2022 - Organizing A Freshers' Ceremony Welcoming And Attending Steem Ghana Meeting

in Steem Ghana2 years ago


Hello everyone,

It has been a long while of inactiveness for me but I am glad to post again. I decided to start with a dairy game.

Easter Friday as it's said was supposed to be a holiday. I took advantage of that to schedule a long-overdue freshers' welcoming ceremony for an association which I'm heading. The semester activities have been busy with reports, projects, and presentations.

The program was timed at 10 am but unfortunately started at 11 am due to late attendance. Every executive had a part to play as events unfolded. I was tasked to cover some basic QGIS tutorials.


Addressing the members

The program was short-lived by a power outage which has become a norm these days. It was inspiring though to get to teach what I know. That is my learning process to more understanding.

I took a nap afterward and woke up to see the power returned but I was already in a pool of my own sweat on the floor. The weather is very hot here. Let us blame climate change 😂

After a quick bath, I spent some time on Binance checking the market and hoping to spot some good trades. I realized I had made a $7 profit on a TRX trade I set earlier on. The market looks to recovering from its recent downtrend.


Attending Steem Ghana Telegram Meeting

Concluded the day by attending the Steem Ghana Meetings geared at creating aware of hackers and hacking activities. That sumed up my day's activities.
Thanks for passing by

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

The meeting was very insightful. I learnt a lot from the session. I hope to follow the guidelines in order to secure my account from fraudsters

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.23
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 67586.04
ETH 3509.22
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.14