DON'T PANIC, TRUST THE PROCESS! 50% to campusconnectng

in CampusConnect3 years ago
I was frying plantain in the kitchen when the oil from the frying pan splashed and just a little dropped on me. The pain I felt was next to none. I was imagining the pains the plantain will be going through if it was human.There was no way the plantain will become human, l thought out aloud.


As I was still frying the plantain, a question came to my mind.
Was I not able to eat the plantain because it went through hot oil, would I have enjoyed it better without it going through that process?
As I thought about it,I likened it with human nature.
The same way the plantain go through series of processes just to come out in its better version so as human beings.

A lot of people out there have gone through a lot of things to become better.
Some did all sort and all manner of things, some had to toil day and night to become better.

Now, the only thing that matters is they trusted the process.
We know the saying;good things don't come easily.
Think about it, a lot of people who have made something out of themselves all went through a process, all of them must have encountered an ugly experience which made them better but the whole thing worked out because they held onto the process.


Don't say your own is worst or nothing is working for you, that's the process and it is taking you to a better you.
Don't panic about the ups and down in your business, that's the process to make you bigger, trust it.
No man ever made it without a process.

Even the food, clothes, shoes, etc we see all passed through processes to be the thing they are now.
So if all these things could pass these processes and come out better, don't you think you too will come out better?


The sleepless nights is a process.
The money you invest is a process.
The money you also lost is a process.
All these are processes that will make us better.

Don't panic, take that step and trust the process.
You think that everything is not working as planned, no need to panic just trust the process and keep pushing.
Everything under the sun went through process, yours is not an exemption.
You were also born today because your parents trusted the process.



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