Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 2 Week 1 || Steem4Nigeria Contest || Welcome Mr. President: We Need a Manifesto from you, What should we Expect? || 10% Beneficiary Reward to Steem4nigeria

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)

It is my pleasure to welcome everyone to my blog and especially at this time Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 2 just started. I will be participating just as we observed the week's contest from steem4nigeria on Welcome Mr. President: We need a manifesto from you, What can we expect from you?. I will be answering and making my points using the Contest Hints as highlighted.

My presidential Manifesto.jpg


My dear country is NIGERIA. Nigeria is made up of about a 200million population size which makes it stands at the top in population indices in the world and the largest black nation on earth using the same category. It is blessed with natural resources with crude Oil being its major earner. It has a land size of 923,768KM with several arable lands for its agricultural integration.

My country is a federation with state and local federating units. It has 36 states and the FCT as well as 774 local government areas which supposedly makes dividends of democracy get to the grassroots. Just as mentioned above being a democratic government, it comes with a bi-cameral legislative arm comprising the Upper chamber (Senate) and the Lower Chamber (House of Reps).

Not forgetting, My country is major divided between the North and South with the North having 19 states and the South with 17 states. But politically, Nigeria is divided into six (6) geo-political zones. These zones include; North East, North West, North Central, South East, South West, and South-South. Each of these geo-political zones has 6 states carved under them except North West with seven (7) states and South East with five (5) States.

Analyzing the Current State of the Country

My country Nigeria has been passing through a series of challenges with insecurity and acts of terrorism on the Frontline. I will briefly explain in each paragraph some of the problems deviling my dear country Nigeria in which we have a collective responsibility to uphold its peace, unity, and prosperity.

Highlights of My country Challenges
  1. Poor Leadership and Failed Governance
  2. Mismanagement and Corruption
  3. Poverty and Inflation
  4. Insecurity & Acts of Terrorism
  5. Unemployment
  6. Failed Health Care Systems, Academia, and Basic Infrastructure

First in this line is poor leadership and governance. There is a primary and undertone issue with this where ethnicity and religious sentiment plays a major role. Government at different levels has failed given to nepotism seen in the drivers of governmental agencies. Skill-based selection is overthrown by regional selection rather than due process and federal character charter in the constitution.

Due to the failure of leadership and governance, the quality of life vis-a-vis access to basic amenities has been low. A greater percentage of the country's population has been impoverished and inflation has been at an uncommon high. The common man in the street can no longer be guaranteed one square meal in a day due to the high cost of food items.

On the other hand, systems have been boycotted and public funds diverted. Issues bothering Corruption has been on the increase as billions of public funds have been carted away. Some of these leakages have seriously affected the already failing system in several ways including non-payment of workers' salaries and entitlements, Poor maintenance of basic and Infrastructural amenities, Poor health system, prolonged Academic strikes, etc.

The worst but not the least is the proliferation of various security concerns in the country ranging from acts of terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, and Agitations. These are menaces capable of bringing the nation to its knees, lives and properties are lost on a daily basis, movement of people across different locations has been terrifying due to insecurity on some of the highways. In some cases, the uniform personnel is targeted that signify the enemy is within and in a presumptive manner, they are alleged to aid some of these crimes in recent times.

My Suitability for the position of a President

I will want to introduce myself so as to enable me to unveil my CV to all concerns which I believe should be the beginning of one's suitability. I am a graduate of Transport Management Technology from one of the best Universities in the Eastern part of the country. I have a prerequisite with an intermediate knowledge of Air Traffic management after a cumulative of over 2 years of working experience with the NAMA, Nigeria Airport Management Authority. And also is my three (3) years of experience in the telecommunication sector where I served in different capacities in Customer relationship management and Retail Sales.

I have also gone through the ranks of the local government civil service where I worked as administrative staff. This clearly shows that I have the basic prerequisite knowledge of what it takes to engage the number one seat given to my certification as well as acquired experience thus far.

Another interesting part is having clear-cut scenarios of all the recent happenings, shortcomings, and inadequacies in occurrence. A list of these issues would help in proffering better support and strategies and how best they should be fundamentally handled.

Therefore, my prerequisite experiences in different fields and fairs of life given to my certification and my root deep knowledge of the current happenings deviling my dear country makes me best for Mr. President Seat.

Identifying Some pressing problems & Solutions

Just from the listed highlights from my number one guidelines, it is obvious that all of those are pressing and needed attention. In short, we can observe that they are all interwoven which means they are like a chain and interconnected given to the root causes.

The mother of all these challenges is rooted in the first issue listed there which is Poor Leadership and Governance. This has given rise to all other system breakdowns like mismanagement of resources and Corruption, Poverty, Unemployment, insecurity due to joblessness, etc. But I will like to single out one challenge that would be most pressing with tendencies of taking human life and investment which is Insecurity.

No investment or developmental project can function effectively if insecurity is unchecked. I think as soon as I assume office, I would first of all call for a stakeholders meeting of all regional and geopolitical representatives to know the root causes of their agitation with a political will to give a solution based on their priorities and timeline. This will quickly help quell the agitations from those zones.

Gunmen attack on worshippers, massacre over 50 in Ondo church


This is one of the disasters that happened on the 5th of June 2022 when over 50 worshippers were massacred in the church. This is one of the numerous troubles of insecurity witnessed in the country in recent times. There would also be a reinforcement and retraining of our dear Police force where they are trained to combat current security challenges using on-the-spot technological gadgets. Our military also would be purged of any form of infiltrations in the ranks and file as well as reinforcement in the same manner with the capacity to develop and withstand combats.

While all these are going on, avenues of engaging the teeming unemployed youths who are vulnerable to these crimes could be thought out. A holistic diversification of the Agricultural Chain would be implemented where each commodity would receive an end-to-end producer-to-consumer implementation. In doing this, we will understand that just one commodity has the capacity to gulp at least 1 million unemployed youths. Commodities to be selected would be based on states' comparative advantage to produce such products from start to finish.

In tackling mismanagement and Corruption cases, the institution has to be strengthened to block leakages. It is better to prevent corruption than to fight corruption. In doing this effectively and efficiently, issues of poor Infrastructural amenities, incessant strikes from the different sectors, Poverty alleviation, etc would gradually fizzle out as there would be enough available funds to handle most of these projects.

My Innovations During my Reign as Mr. President

1. Effective Policing of Citizens

An effective Policing system would be introduced which would include a technology-driven force with the acceptable international police to civilian reforms. This would be grassroots-driven with the introduction of community/ State Police. Both personnel, equipment, and funding would all be enhanced at all stages to bring forth efficient, effective police and military force.

2. Introduction of complete E-Voting in our Electoral Reforms

This would be my top innovation where the electoral process would be sanitized from end to end. This would encompass the primary electioneering process in parties that would limit the number of parties to at most 6 to accommodate all a sundry. We have to remember that this is the bedrock of getting either good or bad leadership into the system.


3. Full Diversification of the Agricultural sector

This would not take the trajectory of the already existing paper diversification. In this case, commodities would be selected based on state comparative advantage with an effective policy to fund one product per state from start to finish. The essence is for the state to handle all the value chain of a given commodity from start to finish and if possible for export purposes. This should give us about 37 agricultural commodities that would receive advanced development and production capabilities.


Effective and Strong Institutions

This is to take care of the already bastardized system that allows for the diversification of public funds. Platforms and software would be developed to handle all concerns of this nature. The essence is to monitor funding and Expenditures from end to end with top Approvals given before funds are moved. A help-desk confirmatory channel would be created to remove incidences of kickbacks, poor project execution, and overestimation of projects.

Thank you, admins, MoDs, and everyone that had time to read through my Presidential manifesto.


You are talking about this very beautiful innovation in your post which I really like and I read your post which I understood. I really like your e-voting innovation and if it can be done, you can be sure of voting. This is a very good idea, you have presented your post in a very beautiful way.

 2 years ago 

Yeah, this innovation has been long over due. The country has been denied of this one thing that would change the narrative. E-Voting is a must do if become the president. This would give all participants equal opportunity void of irregularities.

U left me speechless dear. Indeed, corruption and bad governance have ruined our dear country. But i am glad that we now have found someone in you who knows our challenges, and is willing to tackle them. And considering your experience, i believe you have the capacity needed to make this country a better place. Goodluck

 2 years ago 

Yes, knowing the issues is one aspect, then proffering solution in line with this issues is the key. Remember, a country of this nature needs a strong political will to stir the affairs. Thank you

 2 years ago 

The problem of Nigeria are too numerous to recount, rate of unemployment and high inflation is the most alarming. We hope to see those changes made by you dear Mr president. We know you are capable after reading your manifesto today 😊

 2 years ago 

They are indeed too many but they are redeemable.
Thanks for stopping here

I must admit that you have presented an excellent piece Mrs President. I have complete faith in your ability to improve Nigeria because you have identified the critical areas that require immediate attention. Fighting corruption will be difficult, but having a great squad can help you succeed.

 2 years ago 

Corruption would always fight back. All one need to do is to block off leakages and imbibe the use of high tech softwares that would eradicate this menance.

Thank you for showing up here.

My dear incoming president of the federal republic of Nigeria, insecurity is so bad that I sleep with one eye open and even while traveling I am always praying not to meet those people on the road.
If you can help us deal with that when elected, it will be great.
Your manifesto is nice and I say good luck

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @petience90, it is indeed worrisome the recent spike on insecurity. But hopefully these menance would be a thing of the past if my manifesto pushes through.

Best wishes

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