Achievement 3: CONTEST ETIQUETTE BY @chizomamc

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Screenshot_20210817-142726_1.pngimage source

I am grateful for the progress made so far. I am here once again to write a contest on ETIQUETTE.


Plagiarism is presenting someone's work without adequate acknowledgement of it's source, as though it were one's own (my own). Plagiarism is a form of fraud in writing though it's not a new occurrence. Plagiarism is a serious matter of concern.

In this era technology has been a vital tool to uncover so many instances of plagiarism. Plagiarism exist in many ways although no level of it is accepted whether intentional or unintentional. Plagiarism could be referred to as a violation of academic honesty. To incorporate the knowledge about plagiarism will help in learning component in our society.
Plagiarism is a serious offence in steemit because the platform allows it's user's to post various content of their choice.

Steemit user's are expected to use their knowledge to create original content they are posting.
Where an individual writes a post which includes content from other people's works, it is required that the fellow gives citation or source to that content.

These are highlights of different types of plagiarism:

In complete plagiarism a writer copies the entire paper work and submit in his or her name. This is more common in the academic setting than online writing and this can be prevented by doing plagiarism check.

In paraphrasing plagiarism the writer paraphrase someone's writing in his own words without contributing his own idea or when a text is too close to the original wording even though the source is cited. This is common among online writers and students.

When a writer forgets to cite the source of his writing or misquotes the sources or unintentional paraphrase a source by using same words without attributing to the author's we can refer it as accidental plagiarism.
When we are on research work we must be careful to cite the sources of our content.

Plagiarism can be avoided by:


(i) Puting direct quotes in a quotation marks.

(ii) Doing plagiarism check before posting content.

(iii) Taking a careful note of where content are sourced and cite them correctly.

Citation is way I can communicate to my readers that certain material in my work came from another source.
Therefore I must endeavor to write them with quotation marks and cite the sources where the information we're taken from.
For example

At its core, police officers write tickets at the scene of a car crash because they have seen evidence of a traffic violation (for example, running a red light). ... In a sense, the ticket is issued in order to protect the innocent driver from insurance penality source

The example above shows the statement as original content while the second one quotation marks show's that it was copied from someone's else's statement therefore a source is written close to it.

Having read and understood content etiquette on Steemit, going forward I promise to abide by the rules.
I remain grateful to @benton3, @cryptokannon, @ngoenyi for supporting new babies like me.


Hi i am Sumit one of the team member of Steem Greeter.

I am happy to announce that i have successfully verified your achievement 3 post. Now you are eligible for performing your achievement 4 which is about the applying markdown. You can refer this post for your next task.



 3 years ago 

Thank you

 3 years ago 

Hi, @chizomamc,

Your post has been supported by @edlili24 from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

I'm grateful thank you

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