Club 75|| Various Options of running Javascript programming language codes (part 2) by @christnenye

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, trust you'll are doing great?

Javascript programming language is the language of web browser, it runs on client machine so all web browsers can display Javascript codes.


This publishment is on various options to run your Javascript code

How exactly do you install Javascript?

No, you don't install Javascript, actually all web browsers can run javascript. Web browsers have javascript capabilities already built into it, that is there is no extra Software to download and install in order to run javascript.


  • Running Javascript first on code editor then displaying on web browser, you need to download a code editor either Sublime text, Visual studio code, Adam or anyother editor of your choice.

Note: Only this option can be run without any internet connection

Using Visual studio code
Since web browsers displays HTML, displaying Javascript makes use of Console.log
2 G.PNGa javascript code to display Hello world

To run Javascript codes on web browser like chrome press Ctrl+shift+J(windows/linux) or cmd + Opt + J(mac) this will enable Javascript option on your browser

2 G 1.PNGbrowser view

  • Running Javascript on CodePen
    CodePen is a development platform where editing of frontend languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript directly on the browser without downloading or installing any code editor. Results are seen in real-time ( that is instant display of input) that makes debugging easier.

Screenshot_20220809-082800.jpgCodePen Interface

To make use of CodePen you have to sign up, CodePen has three window of Html, Css and JavaScript but we only need Javascript. To get that swift right.

Screenshot_20220809-090114.jpgthe three window in CodePen

Screenshot_20220809-090834.jpgscreenshot of javascript code displaying Hello world on CodePen

  • Running Javascript on
    Scrimba is a development platform for learning how to code. The platform enables one interact directly with the code like CodePen. Scrimba offers Scrim Technology (pause & edit code videos), Peer-to-Peer learning on Discord, World-class instructors, including YouTube celebrities, A curriculum to hack you into the job market etc.
    To make use of it sign up on the platform, then login click on Javascript, playground and finally confirm.

Screenshot_20220809-083422.jpgScrimba Interface


Screenshot_20220809-083442.jpga javascript code displaying Hello world on Scrimba

Note: In Javascript, the console is an object which establishes access to browser debugging console so all the above options makes use of console.log to display output

Javascript is a frontend programming language, it is a language of the browser. One can edit code first on code editors like Sublime text, Visual studio code, Adam etc or using CodePen which allows real-time response to input and lastly this allows learners to directly interact with codes.

Having known the various options on how to run Javascript codes, the first fundamental sections of Javascript will be in the next publication.

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 2 years ago 

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