Stairs and cannabis - healthy?
Hey blockchain so check this out @actnearn has created its own community aide chain and I am excited because now we can all get fit and earn some cool tokens for busting our asses off! And looking sexy at the same time.
Now my question to you is do you consider cannabis and fitness to go hand and hand? I believe so imagine getting a bit mellow and start walking even in your own street. Get the feeling of a nice breeze and a toke of your joint.
Now let the imagination roam free explorer your inner self while also working in your body, you are thinking and blasting out all those neurons in your nerves making every step count on your counter and just enjoy life.
So yea I think fitness and cannabis can go hand in hand with each other. Now I am not saying get super baked and go to the gym just take a nice joint enjoy it and than take a hike go the pool and take a swim. Get active but also enjoy your self it’s Friday take 15 minutes to your self get some steps in.
Actearn helps in this and even might help with a real fitness regimen. Let’s all get healthy in the chain let’s all enjoy our life’s and families take care of your self. Not only do you hurt yourself but you also hurt the people around you that love you.
So get off of the blockchain and soak up the sun and get some steps in!! Enjoy it kill it happy Friday.
Ohh and come to and come some bud with us.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Honestly is all depends. If you smoke, your lungs will lose efficiency. Other methods of ingestion will likely not affect your performance.
Posted using Partiko Android
100% true maybe and edible than :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
The purpose of actnearn is not what you have mentioned. That is the objective of actifit. However, since you have taken note and tried to spread the word about actnearn so you deserve the upvote.