Technological education in the current era.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Greetings to all readers of this great platform, in this opportunity I want to share with you information related to technology, and its impact on people today, in addition to the benefits it generates in education, currently being more valued and necessary than ever but in turn has generated problems in a part of society, mainly by the incorrect use of it.

The image used is from Public Domain, Author: PixaBay

Nowadays, education and technology always go hand in hand, mainly because of the pandemic that we are still facing, which forced to impart a different education in the world, which is mainly at a distance and with the need to rely on technology to achieve these educational goals, which has been a real challenge.

It is very common that currently anyone has access to a smartphone as they are known, but not everyone gives them the proper use of this technology, so it is necessary to understand that technology is not bad, but if we give the misuse in many opportunities, so it is necessary to be clear about what happens.

By focusing this perspective in the educational field, we can take into consideration that the opportunities provided by technology are very broad, the simple fact of being able to access an internet service and to search for any book that we require on the web, is a great advantage to form the professionals of the future, so from this perspective it is a great advantage.

On the other hand, there are people who claim that technology has lost good manners, since people do not greet or talk to each other because they are always looking at their cell phones, and others claim that they have completely destroyed the spelling of people, these situations are real, but it is not the fault of technology, it ends up being the result of the misuse of technology that provides so many benefits.

All the images used by the Author @Chucho27 are Public Domain, in each one of them you can find the source of the image.

The image of the Banner at the bottom, is in the public domain obtained from: PixaBay

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