in #mum6 years ago

There is this funny story that opens the most amazing chapter in this book, # MyMother . I hope you learn a thing or two from these few excerpts!
We kept goats in a Pen numbering over 30 of them and so whilst growing up, I was committed to ensuring they fed well. I was attached to the domestic staff to be a part of getting Fodder for the goats. On this fateful day, we embarked on the voyage as usual only for the brake system of the Peugeot To Malfunction. The brakes simply refused to respond. The driver who was a seasoned driver with years of experience managed to bring us to safety back home. My Mother was seated outside picking some beans when we drove in. We explained to my Dad how it was God alone that saved us. It seemed He didn't pay Keen attention to the whole explanation, Because He asked the driver to get in and park the car properly using the reverse system. We explained again about the brake system and He concluded by saying we worry too much that He is experienced in the case. That He would throw in a tyre to control damage. To avoid arguments, The driver got in, I could see him wear His seat Belt and probably say a prayer. Friends, that Was the end! I don't know what happened but next was a big bang theory! seeing the car badly damaged at the gate. I almost laughed so did the domestic servants. So my dad could be wrong in this life? But we couldn't because my mum wasn't. Her rapid response to checking if the husband or driver was okay kept me in check.
If my mum had done otherwise, If she had laughed and used some sarcastic words, Then we would have had the legal grounds to, but NO! She didnt!
What's the aim of this story? How people treat Your Family, Husband, Wife or relationship is in direct consonance with how you do. If you can comfortably mixtape your affairs in public then expect a mass reproduction. I have been called names and mummys boy has been the Jackpoint simply because I wouldn't dare allow you make jokes about her. She isn't perfect but I am the custodian of her image in her absence. Quit damaging your mothers image before friends and expect to be treated better. Every one has a nagging mother, Don't make yours be the Reference point. Actually, Some friends who glorify their mothers so much may be in actual sense exaggerating just to cover up.
This story told by my father has helped shape my life! My father was invited by Petroleum marketers to give an address. In truth I do not know what made my dad nervous, But He said, He began to stutter. This was unlike Him. My mother on sensing this, Walked up to the Stage and Held His Hands. He said to me, It was like Magic. He bagan to talk. Most people if not all thought it was a little drama to showcase his beautiful wife but deep down He knew the truth. He was scared! But when His Wife walked up and Held His Hands, He felt the courage to breakthrough. From that moment onwards, Anytime Dad felt tensed up, He would remember His Ever loving Wife Holding His Hands.
In your words and Actions, Are you Holding your Mothers hand? Are you Holding that relationship well enough?
You see, No amount of Love should make you destroy your family's image before your partner or in-laws! No matter how bad your family is, It shouldnt be heard from you that you condemn them too.
Trust me that same family you envy have very serious issues too. It's just that you don't sleep over often. Your Family is the best! Always remember that.
That friend you tell how your husband treats you badly but Hers is the best is hiding soemthing somewhere. Don't let out too much.
The same way and manner you treat your man or woman in public is the way He or she will be treated. I am not against sharing our problems but In our present day society, Problem shared has become Problem Magnified. Let's choose who we share our deep thoughts with.
Happy weekend to you all my dearly beloved steemians IMG-20170820-WA0022.jpg

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