My trading problem !

in Project HOPE3 years ago


In fact, I don't have any problems with long term trading. But the problem I have is in the short term trading !

So, I often buy crypto I like to trade vs bitcoin to get more of it by the time. The same I did with hive before when trading tokens. Now I don't trade any token and I think that's a little issue. Because I may miss some rewards. But I don't worry that much about the tokens like I worry about what I trade with bitcoin now. I always can earn hive from curation and content.

When I was trading POB for example. I was getting good rewards with it when it was stable. But once it crashed I just sold all the POB I had and stop trading it at all. But sometimes the token can grow again, who knows. And the thing is that people are still trading it now and getting rewards. So, it seems that some never stopped trading it even after the crush and I wonder how they can still trade it if it crushed.

The same about what I trade with bitcoin. For example, I made good results with siacoin. I was buying it when it's low and selling it when it's high. But now there is a little crush, and I'm just holding it because I bought it with higher price. I'm sure that a pump is possible and that can be sold again with even higher price, but I have to wait in this case. Maybe even months. It's really hard to wait for so long and to check the price almost every day. But still I'm sure that there are people trading it anyway. And they never stopped doing so.

Maybe we can call what I do a speculation, but that a kind of long term speculation. lol I wished I could learn how to do that in short term, so I'll not struggle that much. Maybe that's not a problem for some people who are ready to wait for months to see the benefit of their trading. But I feel some psychological pressure here. Maybe some of you reading this can explain how to at least trade during a shorter time. Knowing that any crypto can crush. Am I doing it right ? Is every trader doing the same ? You just wait for another pump when it crushes ?

Anyway, I know that diversifying is the solution. But I wish to know the opinion of those who have some experience in trading.

After all we all here share our experiences and thoughts.

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