Predictive programming !

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

In this video I talked about the predictive programming.

Maybe some will tell me that's a conspiracy theory, but it seems very true !

I was looking for information about how other countries are living in this hard time and I've found a guy sharing a very interesting video. It's about a tv show that was created in 2002 that's called ''Dead Zone''. It was created almost 18 years ago and they already talked there about the coronavirus ! So, this virus exist for a long time and it's not new. The interesting thing that we are living the same scenario right now.

Here is the link to the video :

The same about a lot of movies created by hollywood. Most of them showed us movies where strong people controled the weak and they can't do anything to defend themselves. We will be forced to make tests and vaccines, maybe because some of us are already programmed to do so.

You can also read about predictive programming here : THE PSYCHOLOGY OF EXTRAORDINARY BELIEFS

Or just watch this video for more details :

Maybe it's too late to change something, but at least we should know the truth ! (3).png

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Well, it is indeed a theory. And there is a group of people conspiring to do this.

The problem is... time doesn't work that way.

Brave New World and 1984 were not works of fiction, they were stories told within the structure that their "friends" were telling them that the future would be.

You look at the movie "Back to the Future" and you see all kinds of things that relate to the future and nine eleven. But, was that coincidence or planning or both?

Well, the answer is mind bending.
The past doesn't exist. It is a construct that allows the brain to process the information being given in the now.
Like the background of a painting. It provides the context
The past is not fixed, and is not "one" thing.

If you could get into everyone's head and accurately see their memories, you would find that they have different memories of the same happening. And this is not because people are fallible. There is actually at least one past for every person.

So, also these things do not spring forth haphazardly. There is a pattern to it. Many describe it as fractal and/or holographic. Both are correct to a degree.

Time is in a loop. Like a train track it goes over the same spot again and again. This is why, until you clear a certain past event, it will come up over and over.

Further, you can't... lets say you wanted to knock down a couple buildings and terrorize the whole world. Well, if you did the act, nothing would happen. In fact, there would be many people that remembered that the buildings were never there. (how many people remember the statue of liberty being damaged? or JFK dying in 1968?)

So, you have to set up a precursor, a story in the mind so that the "real" story has a place to exist.
And the scary coincidences are more about the fractal nature of time then it is about the directors and actors doing everything with foreknowledge. The future actually pulls them into doing the things "correctly".

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