The Selfish Society
A thousand years in the future our descendants will look back to wonder how we could be so selfish. With so much mechanical knowledge and technology how could we let so much of the world live in dire circumstances. They’ll wonder how human civilization could compartmentalize the individual to have them think so intently and concertedly on the self. They will find it difficult to understand our ideological way of thinking which foments fractures and divisions in the human canvas. They won’t understand how our epistemological cycle is driven by fear, by xenophobia, by the tales of scarcity, by the dreadful terror of blood violence and grudges. They won’t understand how educationally we’ve been programmed and educated into silos of thinking focused on narrow forums of inquiry such as race, nation states, capital, budgets, and convoluted theories of scarcity. They won’t know how easily it was for us to become psychologically dissembled, disconnected, and manipulated into heightened states of paranoia and distrust. Fortunately, they will no longer understand the rationality for how a society could come to the conclusion to exalt such a profound level of selfishness.
Peace @clumsysilverdad
Hopefully, we can do something now that can rid the humanity of selfishness and division within a thousand year, so that our descendants then don't have to repeat our epistemological cycle, and have the opportunity to look back and wonder the past.
Just like we look back at history notice that we could've made so much advancements and we'd be on the stars right now if wars and fights over land hadn't taken place.
Our descendants will look at us the same way.