Visit to the infant room

During school breaks I sometimes work in other classrooms. So I have worked in all the classrooms.

This a story about what happened to be in the infant room this summer. Most of us love babies right. I didn't think it was funny at the time but I think it is funny now.


I was asked to work in the infant room for the day and there was one baby not feeling good. And when they don't feel good things happen. And those things can go anywhere very quickly. They never smell that great.

I picked the baby up and was carrying said baby to the changing table. I wiped it's face off to try and help him feel better. Took his pants off and undid his diaper. That is when it happened I lifted his legs to clean his bottom. Explosive diarrhea all over the changing table,the baby and my shirt. Believe me it was not a pretty picture. So I cleaned the baby up and put him in his crib and cleaned the changing table off and went in the bathroom and rinsed out my shirt and put a fresh shirt on.

When I got back the baby was cring very loudly and the other teacher was changing another baby. So I went and picked up the baby that got poop on me up. To comfort him and to see when he was do for a bottle. Big mistake as I was going to get the bottle to warm it up for him this sweet,lovable little boy vomitted all over me. He got my hair,my shirt and my jeans. Lets just say I did not touch that baby the rest of the day. I put the child back in the crib and told the other teacher he was hers for the rest of the day.

That is right I had a 3 month old baby soak me in diarrhea and vomit with in one hour time. And I didn't touch that child for the rest of the day.

It wasn't funny at the time but it is now. Lesson learned when the mother of the sick child is the other teacher in the room have her take care of her own child.

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Oh boy oh boy, thanks for sharing with us @coffeetime.
Thanks for your support

A perfectly legitimate expectation. Thanks for a cute story.

Oh I really enjoy poop and vomit stories. They're hilarious. Long after the fact.

Q: why in world would a mother bring her squirting and puking baby to a nursery?


She needed to work and hadno one to watch him.

That's the way it should be. A mother caring for her sick child. I hope you have extra clothes at school just for such occasions...

I carry a backpack with extraclothes in it.

Good plan...

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