3 Methods To Encourage Someone With Cancer, Contributed by Anonymous

in #cancer7 years ago


Cancer can be a deadly disease. We can't even imagine the life of such people who already know that they don't have much time to spend in this world. Though we never know when and who's gonna die first, at least such patients are aware of the probability that they might have just one more year to live with us.

I believe that our behavior with such people should be extraordinary. I mean, come on! Don't you feel pain in your heart seeing their face, knowing they probably won't be here after some time?

Moral behavior can change the world and bring peace in it, but sadly there are enough people who are no different than snakes when they talk; they do so in such a manner that it goes to the heart like an arrow or bullet. Some people are hopeless by nature, and therefore they spread negative thoughts to other people, too. Spread the positivity and believe in it—you'll then realize the power of positivity.

3 Ways We Can Encourage Cancer Patients

We want to give them the courage to fight and give them strength when they might not have it.

1. Send Gifts

Gifts work magically for all kind of people, especially cancer patients. They make them feel that someone really cares about them and those feelings are worth gold. A gift doesn't necessarily mean cash or a physical item, either. It can be anything from homemade soap to an errand they aren't able to accomplish alone.

Bringing a smile and comforting someone is the great deed. Such people who take care of the smiles of others are a blessing for the world. They are the reason we believe that goodness is still alive in the world.


2. Encourage Them With Words

Thoughtful words are priceless. Give support, love, and kindness. People lose their hopes when they are going through minor fever, but cancer patients live with the fact that they are soon going to die. It takes courage to admit that fact.

Remind them the early days and the happy moments. And, if possible, pray to God in front of them for their recovery. Everything is curable for God, and He can do all things.

3. Deliver Food

Often, cancer patients become too weak to meet their daily needs. They find it hard to arrange meals for themselves because of symptoms like fatigue and pain. Help them by delivering their favorite foods. Not only will it satisfy their hunger, but it will also make them feel good knowing you care.


Be sure to ask their food preferences and restrictions first, since some patients are on a strict regimen. If you know the food which he wants to eat is dangerous for his health, try to find an alternative that would be satisfactory.

Personally, I believe that moral behavior can change the world. Many people lack moral qualities in today's world because of greed and other evils. We need to be nice to everyone. Lead by example!


Moral behaviour is a great quality.
If all humans had good morals, the world wouldve been a better place.

those are very nice tips but must be done with care, due to the fact that some people often feel worse when we treat them differently from others because they are ill. i have been there before. that feeling when you feel everyone thinks your so helpless and you cant survive without help. :)

Particularly, I studied medicine because I wanted to be a medical oncologist, and then in professional practice I inclined to the surgical area. work, with patients with this pathology is humanly very complex, we must have a lot of sensitivity, it is not easy. because usually the emotional is very committed, and one ends up affected as well. It is an area in which much support is needed from the family and the patient.

It's a very emotional time and I think most of us have known someone who has fought the big "C". Thanks for your comment.

Bringing a smile and comforting someone is the great deed. Such people who take care of the smiles of others are a blessing for the world. They are the reason we believe that goodness is still alive in the world.
I have an aunt with cancer and she i really sick and tired of it.
Thanks for sharing such an inspiration post

Sometimes, smiles are the best we can do, but they are something. :)

Beautiful way to encourage anyone. However there are some food supplements that can help them fight cancer. Sending them those would go a long way. Great content. How can one be a part of this?

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