Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences 2|2019-06-08
Pattern Formation And Solitons
Observation of incoherently coupled dark-bright vector solitons in single-mode fibers (1906.02504v1)
X. Hu, J. Guo, G. D. Shao, Y. F. Song, S. W. Yoo, B. A. Malomed, D. Y. Tang
We report experimental observation of incoherently coupled dark-bright vector solitons in single-mode fibers. Properties of the vector solitons agree well with those predicted by the respective systems of incoherently coupled nonlinear Schroedinger equations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first experimental observation of temporal incoherently coupled dark-bright solitons in single-mode fibers.
On varying coefficients of spatial inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equation (1709.08622v2)
N. Karjanto, J. Tan
A nonlinear evolution equation for wave packet surface gravity waves with variation in topography is revisited in this article. The equation is modeled by a spatial inhomogeneous nonlinear Schr"odinger (NLS) equation with varying coefficients, derived by Djordjevi'c and Redekopp (1978) and the nonlinear coefficient is later corrected by Dingemans and Otta (2001). We show analytically and qualitatively that the nonlinear coefficient and the corresponding averaging value, stated but not derived, by Benilov, Flanagan and Howlin (2005) and Benilov and Howlin (2006) are inaccurate. For a particular choice of topography and wave characteristics, the NLS equation alternates between focusing and defocusing case and hence, it does not admit the formation of a classical soliton, neither bright nor dark one.
Steady flows, nonlinear gravitostatic waves and Zeldovich pancakes in a Newtonian gas (1903.11992v2)
Eugene B. Kolomeisky
We show that equations of Newtonian hydrodynamics and gravity describing one-dimensional steady gas flow possess nonlinear periodic solutions. In the case of a zero-pressure gas the solution exhibits hydrodynamic similarity and is universal: it is a lattice of integrable density singularities coinciding with maxima of the gravitational potential. With finite pressure effects included, there exists critical matter density that separates two regimes of behavior. If the average density is below the critical, the solution is a density wave which is in phase with the wave of the gravitational potential. If the average density is above the critical, the waves of the density and potential are out of phase. Traveling plane gravitostatic waves are also predicted and their properties elucidated. Specifically, subsonic wave is made out of two out of phase oscillations of matter density and gravitational potential. If the wave is supersonic, the density-potential oscillations are in phase.
Generation and dynamics of solitonic pulses due to pump amplitude modulation at normal group velocity dispersion (1906.02245v1)
Valery E. Lobanov, Nikita M. Kondratiev, Artem E. Shitikov, Ramzil R. Galiev, Igor A. Bilenko
We studied generation and dynamics of solitonic pulses, platicons, at normal group velocity dispersion due to the pump amplitude modulation. We proposed, that if the required frequency of amplitude modulation is too large for available modulators, it is possible to use subharmonic phase modulation for platicon generation. It was also demonstrated that it is possible to control the repetition rate of platicons by tuning modulation frequency. Tuning range for platicons was found to be much wider than for bright solitons. We also studied the influence of the high-order dispersion on platicon properties. It was shown that both third-order dispersion and pump modulation govern platicon dynamics making it quite different from dynamics of dissipative Kerr solitons. Third-order dispersion was also shown to affect significantly the optimal conditions for the platicon generation and repetition rate tuning range.
Solitary wave dynamics governed by the modified FitzHugh-Nagumo equation (1906.01865v1)
Aleksandra Gawlik, Sergii Skurativskyi, Vsevolod Vladimirov
The paper deals with the studies of the nonlinear wave solutions supported by the modified FitzHugh-Nagumo (mFHN) system. It was proved in our previous work that the model, under certain conditions, possesses a set of soliton-like traveling wave (TW) solutions. In this paper we show that the model has two solutions of the soliton type differing in propagation velocity. Their location in parametric space, and stability properties are considered in more details. Numerical results accompanied by the application of the Evans function technique prove the stability of fast solitary waves and instability of slow ones. A possible way of formation and annihilation of localized regimes in question is studied therein too.
Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems
Hyperbolic spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider model from Poisson reduction (1906.02619v1)
Gleb Arutyunov, Enrico Olivucci
We rederive the Hamiltonian structure of the
-particle hyperbolic spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider model by means of Poisson reduction of a suitable initial phase space. This phase space is realised as the direct product of the Heisenberg double of a factorisable Lie group with another symplectic manifold that is a certain deformation of the standard canonical relations for
conjugate pairs of dynamical variables. We show that the model enjoys the Poisson-Lie symmetry of the spin group
which explains its superintegrability. Our results are obtained in the formalism of the classical
-matrix and they confirm the recent findings on the Hamiltonian structure of the model established in the different framework of the quasi-Hamiltonian reduction applied to a quasi-Poisson manifold.
Stochastic higher spin vertex models on the line (1502.07374v2)
Ivan Corwin, Leonid Petrov
We introduce a four-parameter family of interacting particle systems on the line which can be diagonalized explicitly via a complete set of Bethe ansatz eigenfunctions, and which enjoy certain Markov dualities. Using this, for the systems started in step initial data we write down nested contour integral formulas for moments and Fredholm determinant formulas for Laplace-type transforms. Taking various choices or limits of parameters, this family degenerates to many of the known exactly solvable models in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class, as well as leads to many new examples of such models. In particular, ASEP, the stochastic six-vertex model, q-TASEP and various directed polymer models all arise in this manner. Our systems are constructed from stochastic versions of the R-matrix related to the six-vertex model. One of the key tools used here is the fusion of R-matrices and we provide a probabilistic proof of this procedure.
N=2 supersymmetric extensions of relativistic Toda lattice (1904.03996v2)
Anton Galajinsky
N=2 supersymmetric extensions of both the periodic and non-periodic relativistic Toda lattice are built within the framework of the Hamiltonian formalism. A geodesic description in terms of a non-metric connection is discussed.
Quasi-periodic solutions to the negative-order KdV hierarchy (1906.01305v1)
Jinbing Chen
A complete algorithm is developed to deduce quasi-periodic solutions for the negative-order KdV (nKdV) hierarchy by using the backward Neumann systems. From the nonlinearization of Lax pair, the nKdV hierarchy is reduced to a family of backward Neumann systems via separating temporal and spatial variables. The backward Neumann systems are shown to be integrable in the Liouville sense, whose involutive solutions yield the finite parametric solutions of nKdV hierarchy. The negative-order Novikov equation is given, which specifies a finite-dimensional invariant subspace of nKdV flows. By the Abel-Jacobi variable, the nKdV flows are integrated with Abel-Jacobi solutions on the Jacobi variety of a Riemann surface. Finally, the Riemann-Jacobi inversion of Abel--Jacobi solutions is studied, from which some quasi-periodic solutions to the nKdV hierarchy are obtained.
Exact results from the geometry of couplings and the effective action (1906.00984v1)
George Georgiou, Pantelis Panopoulos, Eftychia Sagkrioti, Konstantinos Sfetsos
We invent a method that exploits the geometry in the space of couplings and the known all-loop effective action, in order to calculate the exact in the couplings anomalous dimensions of composite operators for a wide class of integrable
-models. These involve both self and mutually interacting current algebra theories. We work out the details for important classes of such operators. In particular, we consider the operators built solely from an arbitrary number of currents of the same chirality, the composite operators which factorize into a chiral and an anti-chiral part, as well as those made up of three currents of mixed chirality. Remarkably enough, the anomalous dimensions of the former two sets of operators turn out to vanish. In our approach, loop computations are completely avoided.

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