How to calculate SBD conversion to EUROs (or any crypto to any fiat currency) quickly
You know how sometimes you don't see things that are right before your eyes?
That's how I've been feeling since I found this currency converter on yesterday.
So far I always just googled the price of Bitcoin, or I looked up other coins on my Blockfolio app.
But what if you want to know a specific amount? 25 Steem Dollars for example? Or 0.67 Dash?
I also used Blockfolio for this sometimes as a workaround but of course this is much quicker.
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I thought you meant who to convert SBD into fiat as in withdraw
Oh, then I have to come up with a title that is less misleading. Thanks for letting me know!
Thank you . But I this a way how I change sbd to real money
thank for your information dear.....i think u r r8