YouTube's evil Christmas Surprise for Crypto Influencers and their Followers
YouTube seems to be in the process of taking down Crypto Influencers videos one by one, since yesterday.
It started with Chris Dunn's channel and quickly spread to @heidtravels's channel, @crypt0's channel and many many others.
For some of them this means losing a substantial part, or even all of their income. This is highly upsetting and shows how necessary it is to become independent from centralised platforms who own the content that you - we - took so much time, effort and energy to create. It can all be gone in seconds if you're not 100% in control of it yourself.
The silver lining about upsetting events like this is that it highlights the need for censorship-free, decentralised platforms. Hopefully more and more people will become aware of them now and feel inspired to move over.
And honestly, I wouldn't be surprise if YouTube announces their own coin soon. Didn't we just go through the same thing with Facebook last year when they banned all crypto ads, only to announce their plans for their own cryptocurrency a few months later?
Really? They banned the accounts of some crypto currency youtuber? Fuck that. Most youtube user even now swith to twich because of some shit YouTube did. Since article13 a lot of shit is going on. What a shame
Fuck youtube and google. They have me on full censorship for my comments now. They had been ghosting about 30% of my comments until recently but now it's moved to a full censorship model.