So simple as the merger

in HeartSTEM3 years ago (edited)


For the humanity, in his virtue of better his quality of life, it does everything possible of extending his knowledge, to improve his technology, but that happens really, when the society grows, increases the demand of energy, that measured take or consider, for to attack this demand of energy, that they not all are of fossil origin, that they exist another alternative, which is going to depend according to his nature and that so many impacta to the environment, that are mainly renewable.

More distant of the thing, which it is not possible to understand they exist, explanation of the porqué, the phenomena happen and departing from this one, his use is interpreted and that can serve us, all this is a part of the scientific philosophy, you dare of the history. We can say that, the capacity that has the bodies or matters, in actions of works well should be, his peculiarity of penderá his intensity is known by energy, can happen, for several means of action, movement, light, heat, wind.

The energy of merger, which it is known we see of her, his physical foundation is based in: the merger is the reaction for which nuclei, generally small, join to lead to slightly major nuclei with a loss of mass, it is based by Einstein (E=mc ²); where it transforms in kinetic energy of the particles and resultant nuclei. What role does the kinetic energy play, is based in being converted to potential gravitational energy, it will depend on the action of the way, because it is considered to be, if there exist other agents or factors, which they alter well be for Frisian, the entire quantity of energy in the system keeps on being a constant, since it is going to depend on his movement. For this case, his approach is tackled in the way of accelerating a body, of a mass determined from the rest up to the stated speed.

The formula to calculate kinetic energy (Ec) is Ec = 0,5 x mv2. Here the m means ' mass ', that is to say, the measurement of how many matter composes to the object in question and v means ' speed ', which is the reason of change of position of an object; it must express oneself in Julys (J), that is the standard unit for the measurement of kinetic energy. It is equivalent to 1 kg * m2/s2.

Kinetic energyTheory
Gottfried_Wilhelm_Leibniz,_Bernhard_Christoph_Francke.jpgGottfried LeibnizIt mentions that the kinetic energy, like the alive force or vis alive departing from the physics and metaphysics
ETH-BIB-Bernoulli,_Daniel_(1700-1782)-Portrait-Portr_10971_tif_(cropped).jpgDaniel BernoulliIt mentions that the kinetic energy, like the alive force or vis alive, that act on a system, is equal to his kinetic energy, since the forces that act on a body are named a clear force or resultant force
Gaspard Coriolis
The mathematics of the kinetic energy
Albert Einstein
The equivalence between the mass and the energy given by the expression of the theory of the relativity (E=mc²)

In the stars the energy comes from the merger of 4 protons in several stages: AlH — > 4He + 2e+ + 2ve (Q=26,2 MeV).Antonio Ferrer Soria - 2006

This type of generated energy of the rest, it is proportional to the square of the speed of impact. Kinetic energy of systems of particles, where he considers, a system in any moment of time, since it is the simple sum of the kinetic energies of the masses, because they are mainly in movement or rotation. I think about the following thing, an object not only depends on the internal nature of this object, also it depends on the relation between the object, since it changes with the way, according to his gravitational field.

Already on the subject of the merger we have also, that the reaction D-T alludes of the merger of a nucleus of deuterium with one of tritio, giving as result, a nucleus of helium and a neutron, that are born with a joint energy, find the normal water, the tritio her prunes to extract of the marine salt. In spite of the reactions electroestáticas of the molecules, it is possible to obtain is to make them hit between yes at big speed. An example of this energy is the one that provides the sun, and every planet, star that is in movement of an independent way generates an energy of merger, good is by means of heat or Frisian.

Kinetic energy of systems of particles

The camera of reaction of the TCV, an experimental reactor of merger Tokamak in école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland that has been used in the investigation since it was completed in 1992. The characteristic camera in the shape of Bull is redressed in graphite, to help to resist the extreme heat. The form is distorted by the lens Fisheye of the camera.
Nuclear reactionI process in the one that produces to himself a transformation of an atomic nucleus, to produce another nucleus of different nature; Xth = resultant piece of news Ybz that takes place as a consequence of the reaction, The value of the energy balance of a nuclear reaction can be a positive.
Nuclear fissionlll.pngSource
Nuclear mergerevgw.pngSource
atomic-bomb-1011738_960_720.jpgNuclear fissionFor this reaction that a relatively heavy atom decomposes in lighter others, where emission of radioactive particles persists. They take environmental impacts as his radioactive residues.
air-bubbles-230014_960_720.jpgNuclear mergerin this case we have, that join two light nuclei to form heavier other, it does not produce residues, the raw material is the water of sea

Since all it is reactions generate heat, like energy and in the same way they stimulate, turbine to generate electrical energy, another source of mechanical use. Since it is a question of reaching to improve, the technological support that it regulates or resists the high levels of temperature that this one causes; the reaction of merger, it is not a reaction in chain and therefore it is much easier to control, also there is another perspective to cause the merger, for magnetic committal, where the fuel is compressed by means of magnetic fields while it warms up.

A greeting, for everything hope that it should be of his taste, since the knowledge has no borders.

Source of support:

Sources of Energy for José Roldán, ‎José Roldán Viloria - 2008.

Electromechanical converters of energy for Guillermo Herranz Acero - 1980.

The energy that comes from the sea for Fernanda Miguélez Time exposure - 2009.

Physics for the science and the technology: Electricity and magnetism for Paul Allen Tipler, ‎Gene Fly - 2005.

Atomics and of particles (2nd ed.) - Page 367 for Antonio Ferrer Soria - 2006.

Sources of energy for the future - Page 53 for Ignacio Guerra Plasencia, ‎Mercedes Archers Partridges, ‎María of the Rosary Heras Celemín - 2008.

pies de articulo coolxxx_j.jpg


Wow! The energy of merger is based on Einstein (E=mc ²) law which is later transform to kinetic energy. Thanks for the knowledge.

Thank you for your feedback.

It's great to read and learn about the knowledge of merger for the first time. Thanks for sharing

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