Imaginary BBC Detector Vans Now Scanning Wifi?

in #news8 years ago

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode:

STORY #1: SIMs Disconnected for Saudis Who Have Not Registered Biometrics Flashback: Police 3D-Print Murder Victim's Finger to Unlock His Phone $1.15 Billion In US Weapons Will Soon Be-Heading To Saudi Arabia

STORY #2: BBC Now Training Its Secret, Likely Imaginary, Fleet Of Detector Vans On Your WiFi

STORY #3: Minnesota Towns Join Forces To Build Their Own Internet Dear Government, Deliver Us From Freedom

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: Australia Blames Overseas Hack Attack For #CensusFail WikiLeaks Offers $20K Reward For Information In Murder Of DNC Staffer, Likely #DNCLeak Source

Previous Episode: Police 3D-Print Murder Victim's Finger to Unlock His Phone

Great article, did you guys knew that internet can be fairly easily built without ISP's by using long range radio antennas or possibly satelites.

Of course the TPTB don't want you to have free internet that everyone could setup for 25$. They want to control you and surveil you!

That would be hard to pull off, look at how much interference is on WiFi already. Satellites could work, but someone would have to maintain them and get them up there. Great idea though, you're on the right track. If there was less regulation I'm sure anything could be possible.

It has to be high frequency, and of course there are regulations there too, so it would be hard.

But if the internet 2.0 would be decentralized the signal doesn't have to be long, if everyone around you is an internet server, the most the signal has to travel is a few meters. It would be doable, but the ISP lobby and governments would not like it.

Great idea, but it seems a lot like a "all or nothing"-solution. That is, you have to get everyone on board first in order to have a network of antennas big enough to work.
Possibly something that Steemit could recommend to people once they reach a billion users. :)

Possibly. Steemit will play a role in it, that is true.

i heard long ago someone talk of this very possibility, seems like a perfect plan to me !! ; - )

also a great way to get internet anywhere (just for mobile ) is the Ubuntu space phone ! check it out :)

(heres a link where micheal tellinger explains it )

Didn't know they were doing this as well - great organisation - well worth looking into!
Here's the link for the main site....looks like they're making progress
Thanks for the heads up

dont worry im happy to spread this message :)

In which case, you have a new follower : )

great i also though of bloggin a bit about ubuntu .. but then im really new to blogging
so i didnt wanted to make my first posts about what is like really important to me..
if you get what i mean^^

Good post, lol just upvoted and it doubled your $$....keep em coming James

Hmmm...I'm still new to markdown and messed up the formatting on the show notes, but when I go to edit it won't let me press "Update Post." It's greyed out and I get the little "no" sign when I hover the cursor over it. Anyone know why that is?

I've had a few weird editor problems happen a few time. Try shift+reload of the page and see if that helps. It may not fix the problem, but it has solved a few weird problems I've seen a few times. Glad to have you here.

Thanks for the tip...but I'm afraid it didn't work.

I am not one of the developers so I can't tell you why it is doing that. If you have a different browser try popping over into it and see if you get the same thing. If it were after 12 hours I could see it doing this, but I've not had what you are describing happen at this time.

I tend to bounce between Chrome and Firefox and you could see if it'll let you edit in one. (yes, you are a smart guy and very possibly already tried this)

Another thing that popped into me mind is if you are logged in using something other than the POSTING, or OWNER password/key... could that be a possibility?

I also had this problem the other day when uploading a blog post. Try opening steemit in a new tab and then try it again. This worked for me, Hopefully It does for you also.

👍awesome all stories @corbettreport

I had the same issue and I just kept insisting and clicking "post" over and over and at last it worked :)
having similar issues absolutely at every step here, and most of the time just waiting a little and trying again worked for me

"Previous Episode: Police 3D-Print Murder Victim's Finger to Unlock His Phone". Holy cow.

You think the Clintons had anything to do with that murdered DNC staffer? Shot in the back and wallet, money, credit cards, and phone all left behind... hmm

Hmmmmmm i wonder ?? what do you think ?? : - )

I'm thinking YES!

I doubt those TV detector vans ever existed. It was pure BS to scare people into getting their TV licenses.

Public taxe payers... paying to be spied on! Sound familiar?

are you promoting sputnik news or what?

Thanks James and James and Happy Birthday James, have a great day

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