Only 9/11 Truth Can Smash The 9/11 Lies

in #news8 years ago


by James Corbett
September 11, 2016

15 years. 15 long years, unfolding with the inevitability of a horror film.


The Department of Homeland Security.

The NSA panopticon.

The militarization of Police State USA.

The occupation of Afghanistan.

The ongoing war in Iraq.

The continuing disintegration of the Middle East in line with the neocon's long-term plans.

All of this, and so much more, is all justified by the grandstanding politicians and their mouthpiece media by the events of 9/11, "the day that changed everything."

9/11 is a blank check for the sociopaths to further the technocratic control grid and to wage war in whichever square of the chessboard they place their terrorist boogeymen. And there is only one way to cancel that check: 9/11 truth.

Yes, you know that 9/11 was not the work of 19 men with box cutters. But your friends and coworkers don't. And maybe you can't paint the picture for them yourself. But there are plenty of ways to help explain it to people.

Most people have erected a mental barrier to 9/11 truth. Here's a sledgehammer with which to smash that barrier:

Most people have no idea about the 9/11 money trail. Enlighten them with this:

Most people don't know about who really engineered the 9/11 attacks. Show them this:

Most people couldn't name any of the suspects who could be indicted tomorrow for their part in the crimes and cover up of 9/11. Bust their ignorance with this:

Only 9/11 truth can truly stop the never-ending wars and the ever-encroaching police state of the post-9/11 world. Do your part in spreading the word. There is still much work left to be done.

The Corbett Report has been working on 9/11 truth and other issues that the mainstream media won't touch for 9 years. This work is a labour of passion and dedication, but I need your support to continue making this website possible. If you haven't signed up for a Corbett Report membership, please consider doing so via the Support page, or please become a patron of this website on my new Patreon account. Thank you.


YES! Great post @corbettreport. I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty to upload your Suspects series on my blog: @spartanza as you were not posting them and they are all so good, and I had to share them. Proceeds that those posts make will be transferred to you either in Bitcoin or SteemDollars.
Keep it up James

Since I didn't post them myself you are free to keep those proceeds, spartanza. The point is to get the word out, so thank you for helping to do that.

Thank you. It is important to get the word out. I appreciate that alot. Thank you. And keep up the good work! Your work is brilliant! Thank you

Great work James. I recently enjoyed " The Dancing Israelis", from your 9/11 suspects series. That was new information for myself; it seems the onion is still very thick.

One thing I have noticed in recent years is that young 20s and teens don't really understand the pre 9/11 world.
They were born into a world with a history they think is true and are given a government that keeps telling them they will be made safe.
They don't understand the illusion safety and the false history.
History is the the biggest onion of them all...
And free minds and individual thinking are punished these days.
So they have their " bread and circuses" on the iPhone 7.

The toxic dust caused by this is still causing health issues, including cancer for the survivors and those who helped.

yes as indeed these building were full of asbestos and this was the reason Lucky Larry Slverstein was so pleased when his buddies on high suggested that these building be brought down by controlled demolition to spark the beginning of the New World Order !! So yeah Larry " Pull it Now " as you are going to jail and all that money you made will go to the families you help kill !!

Great to see you back posting on Steemit James (which you got me into in the first place) - keep up your awesome work. I guess I'd better go and see what Patreon is now.

Please check out my steemit article regarding 9/11 and the evidence of a space based platform using LENR on that day... Link

As with each 9/11 anniversary, I was anxious to see what you would put together this year and I encourage everyone to see the "Suspects" series in its entirety.
Very well done, as usual, James, but then I've never known your work to be anything less than excellent in the many years I've followed it.
Peace and many smiles to you!

I notice how the main stream and some of the alternate media are diverting attention to Saudi Arabia as being the culprit. Is Mr Silverstein Muslim? You know the one who made off with the insurance money. The Arabs did all this without inside American traitors called Zionist? lol. Mosad wasn't involved? What happened to the Israelis who got busted on/near the GW with explosives or the Israelis filming on the ground? lol. Parasites. I hope it all comes out and you get what you deserve.

:) thanks for this post! perhaps u find some art that u like on my channel! i followed you! keep it on <3 kalipo

9/11 is a blank check for the sociopaths to further the technocratic control grid and to wage war in whichever square of the chessboard they place their terrorist boogeymen.!!!! yes indeed so perfectly put right here !! This day changed the world forever, was their plan...a Pearl Harbour style event indeed !! But enough of their lies , we need to put now all of the conspirators against humanity in Jail or maybe more into Outer Space once we have finally made an independent re investigation of the thing for all to see !! great post !! thankyou !!

9/11 is a blank check for the sociopaths to further the technocratic control grid and to wage war in whichever square of the chessboard they place their terrorist boogeymen!

World wide governments have utilized this new global policy; set off a small explosive; pump up a shadowy boogeyman; install police/military security theater check points; the masses humbly submit and line up for gruesome interrogation and identification, any prior political issues take the back burner; and the government has gained more power over the will of their people.

I know there are many people who believe Israel is the secret true world hegemon. I do not. I believe the state's only nefarious goals are religious and racially fueled colonialism...but these are some great examples to factual conspiracies.

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