The Two Faces of Forgiveness

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Who has not heard of forgiveness, how many of us have ever had to go through it? I think we will all pass or have been there at some point.


Much is said about this, but in reality whoever experiences such a situation is the one who really knows what it feels like. But forgiveness is like coins, it has two sides, when it is you who needs to forgive and the other, when they must forgive us. How difficult is either of them.

But we are so stubborn sometimes that we only see forgiveness with one side, and when we have to turn the coin around, we forget the moment we were on the other side. Judging others is super easy for us, but since it hurts us when we are the ones judged, there we get sentimental, and we want mercy.

The same thing happens with forgiveness, people find it difficult to appear alone for the simple reason that they are arrogant, they forget all the times they have been wrong and even so God has allowed them to get ahead and continue.

Beloved, when we begin to see our mistakes, we will see how God has been merciful to us, then this will help us learn to forgive and be consistent, just as they have been with us. In the model of prayer that Jesus taught, he says forgive our offenses, just as we forgive those who offend us.

So we must give forgiveness, understanding, if we want to receive it too.

Do not see only one side of the coin, because today one side may touch you and tomorrow the other, do not be light in judging when you are the one affected, because tomorrow you may be the one who needs to be forgiven, and you will not find mercy if you did not practice it with others.