STEEM blockchain report "Tail between my legs" by Craig Grant - August 11, 2016

in #steem9 years ago (edited)
  1. Kicked like a stray dog.
  2. Binary Code.
  3. Conspiracy theorist.

Mountain biking with Yuliana in Jamaica

Follow me @craig-grant. Tag #craigrant to join our group, and have fun :)


I hope you reconsider your stance on not doing any more Steem reports.

EDIT: went back to your post of yesterday to read the interaction between you and @tuck-fheman. The issue of right and wrong aside, It seems like simply a difference in personalities, view-point, and style that have you both talking past each other. Interestingly just after that I read a post out today called "what type of steemian are you and why" that I believed goes a long way to explain why the conflict in communication.

I hope you will reconsider allowing one person to influence your bogging of ideas regarding the various aspects as Steem as in the "Steem Report". I enjoy your report. Though I myself do not always agree, it is good to have other points of view. Especially when there are derived from a deep sense of instinct as are yours.


always love to watch your videos.. don't care what others say.. just do what you will to do...

You're one of my favorite people on here, because you have the right attitude about how to make this site awesome. "If it's not fun, I'm out." "Time > Money." I can tell you live your life the same way and that deserves a hell yea!

Craig we need what you are doing. Don't leave people like me alone out here trying to spread the word. Haters are gonna hate. Keep on doing your thing and ignore them. Or give some really civil and well thought out response to them. :)

all i have is jokes, cause i am dum

You needed that.

You are not dumb. Yes, you are funny. You are also wise. I believe the only dumb people are those who choose to do nothing with their life. I am smart in some things, and I've been called a genius. I wish to deflate that now. I don't believe it. I am good at a lot of different things, other things I suck at. There are people that call themselves dumb that know plenty of things I do not. There is also wisdom which no amount of logic or calculation seems to be able to replicate. When you meet someone that is wise you know it. You likely have met people like I am talking about. They may not be intelligent in the nerdy sense of the word, yet from them flows profound thoughts those nerds could never come up with no matter how much time you give them.

Intelligence is over rated. People often will hear someone like me say something "intelligent" in person (not so much in writing) and then they'll believe everything I say after that... even if I have no clue what I am talking about. You are intelligent, and you have your wisdom that is plain to see.

That doesn't mean you're comfortable sparring with verbal ninjas, and that may not be your thing. Let that roll past you if you can and let your friends that are here be the counter to those people. If you are uncomfortable with what someone says and it makes you have no fun, try if you can to ignore it just like a post you don't up vote. If someone like me sees it and wants to jump in we will. That doesn't mean I won't get battered and bruised, but I'm willing to take that if it keeps people like you doing what you do.

As to jokes. I make them by accident. Being funny is one of the most difficult things for me. So you have the ability I do not. Don't stop... (looks around... heard some stupid "Don't stop believin'" lyrics in the sky)

EDIT: I assure you that you have a lot of digital friends here. I am one of them. My name is Deva Winblood (pronounced Dayva Wineblood). It is a pleasure to meet you, and you do have a friend in this digital place. Lot's of them. I hail from Colorado.

Intelligence that works 'intuitively' is simply using a code that we have not codified yet. "dumb" people who are wise have by chance acquired the algorithms that have not been expressed yet, and even when they are, it can be difficult to apply them and integrate them into your own meat-circuitry. But everyone has a type of genius inside them, absolutely everyone.

I agree. :)

Fun can also be a mind space
It is clear you can find this place
The messages you say help people
Who ignore the trending page steeple

If it is not fun you are correct you can run
Or you can twist it in your mind and make it fun
You seem like the type silver linings you find
Keep your thoughts coming and unleash your mind

What you say has value beyond money
Not only are you wise, you are also funny
Those that watch you may vote for you now
As we gain power you'll be a cash cow

Please don't stop doing what you do
Just find mental discomfort and this eschew
Bring us your thought continue your thing
We'll happily help you buy your future bling

Damn Craig, sorry to hear. Can you still do it on youtube? You are my google on crypto. 😥 Whales vote should be equal to everyones vote. No one should be above anyone.

I think you did the smart thing by disengaging with this person. I'm sure you don't need to get sucked into a never ending vortex of twisted logic, which is exactly what you would have gotten.

So good for you for staying above the fray. And I hope you'll continue to do what you do. Looking forward to the next flow. Peace.

thank you, and I appreciate your time and attention

Just do you @craig-grant... don't let the these little things dim your light. You're why I even came to Steemit. First heard of it on your Youtube when I was considering getting into Bitcoin (at this late stage). Your thoughts are your own, your opinions are your own. Just have fun. One Love.

Freedom of speech is essential, you'll be missed!!

Better to be a trendsetter?!?!