Nectar Proves To Be The True Queen 🐝🤩🔥😎🎮🕹🎮

in GEMS4 years ago



Unlike most queen bees, Nectar Queens like to get out of the nest and get their Proboscis dirty. Fortunately, you can hear one coming long before it reaches you. Unfortunately, they have a real taste for blood.
Nectar Queen have come out of the honeycomb of the Reward Edition with an eager for battle, thirsty for blood and ready to win. They are greatly feared for their great stinger and for their unmatched life resistance.

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Since a few days ago we reached the diamond leagues and I had there, many of my last battles were concentrated here and therefore it is to be expected battles with combinations of up to two rules. SuperSneak () & Earthquake () were the rules that hosted this battle accompanied by a limit of 30 Mana in summons, this makes the battle have advantages and advantages at the same time; On the one hand the advantage that melee monsters can attack from any position thanks to SuperSneak and on the other hand the disadvantage that all flightless monsters will take +2 damage every turn. With features like those we expect, an aggressive and fast strong battle, where perhaps the melee monsters are the protagonists. For battles with these types of rules, try to form teams with flying monsters and, if possible, take advantage of the SuperSneak rule using monsters with great attack.


Since there will be earthquakes in the battle, I will use my summoner Lyanna Natura to increase +1 the vital energy of my monsters and thus make them hold the effect of Earthquake a little more.

Who will be at the forefront of the battle (in position No. 1) will Stone Golem, thanks to its special ability (Shield), will be able to withstand more melee and ranged attacks that it receives, in addition to the fact that the earthquake only affected -1 to its vitality per turn; a true ally that combines respectable attack and good defense. In position N ° 2 I will place my Nectar Queen, who will attack the enemy's rear from there thanks to one of the rules of the field (Super Sneak) and will not be affected by earthquakes since she is always flying; thus becoming the enemy's nightmare.
For position N ° 3 I will place Screeching Vulture who will be my sentry in battle, he with his opportunistic ability will be in charge of finishing or giving the opportune final blow to the monsters of my enemy and also that because he is a flyer he will not be able to be affected by earthquakes.

To continue taking advantage of the SuperSneak rule, I will place Cocatrice in position 4; It may not have a strong attack but this monster only requires 2 mana for its summon and that the earthquake will not affect it. I continue with the tendency of flying monsters to avoid being damaged by one of the rules of the battle
(Earthquake) and so in my fifth position I will go Enchanted Pixie, with a magic attack of +1 they will be able to support the offensive of the team and it will never be affected by the earthquake.
To close summons, I will put a Griffin Tower in last position, a ranged attack flying monster; Take advantage of their ability not to be affected by the earthquake and also that with their attack of +1 they can add to the team's offensive. This last monster also has a purpose as a back protector for the team, due to its ability and speed it can dodge some enemy attacks.


As you saw in the previous section, almost all the monsters I used are flying, that is to counter the negative Earthquake effect. My strategy is based on holding as long as possible, while my Nectar Queen and my Screeching Vulture plus the earthquake were destroying enemy monsters. I put my only flightless monster on edge, perhaps the most vulnerable but my Stone Golem is the cornerstone of my strategy, the longer it lasted on foot would mean a lot of advantage to me; while my two golds do the dirty work and the other monsters would support offensively.



Kingdom Used
Melee Attack Monsters
Ranged Attack Monsters
Magical Attack Monsters
Monsters Without Attack
Total Casualties
The Greater Annihilator
Nectar Queen
The Most Valuable of the Battle
Nectar Queen
Coup of Grace
Nectar Queen


The battle developed in such a way that you could not predict who would win, but you had to go to the end to find out. A very even encounter between strength and defense, the flyers prevailed in the encounter thus triggering a great reading of my opponent and mine for the battle. There was a lot of nervousness but each monster had to be controlled, a wrong step would be deadly for the team. Nectar Queen of my team was the only one standing in the battle, thus proving to be the true queen; you have to respect it. The battle was as close as possible, except for Nectar Queen who only received a small scratch from the enemy, despite all my strategy prevailed and we won.

Share your weekly battle challenge! It is a very entertaining dynamic created by @steemmonsters and @splinterlands (click here for more information) and this week's star monster is Nectar Queen ... this is a monster with a strong attack and great vital energy, when I use the Kingdom of Earth and there are earthquakes on the ground, Nectar Queen can never be lacking in my strategy; It is a very strategic monster in various scenarios and therefore must be kept very close as an ally.


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Who writes, his wizard @crisangel





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