Sealing Team: Defensive Chain 🔒⛓🛡🎮😎

in Steem Gaming4 years ago

No Attack.png


The world of Splinterlands continues in constant duels between the different six kingdoms existing so far, each with unique abilities and characteristics, each kingdom with intentions to take over and dominate the world; but to each one it seems that the task has been great, since all show their powers to the maximum without allowing them to bend them and each day seems like an endless battle.

Within each kingdom there are monsters that specialize in strong short-range attacks, others in attacks from far away, and others with magical attacks, all with certain abilities. There are also a small group of monsters that do not have any attack and only specialize in serving as support during each battle ... they are in charge of protecting, healing, healing, purifying and in some cases reviving their allies, they can also weaken the Attack statistics, speed, vital energy and shield of the enemy, in addition to providing negative states to enemy monsters. In the battle that I share with you today, I will use a team of three monsters without attack; where I will demonstrate the use of these monsters.

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I constantly manage to stay between diamond leagues which means meeting combinations of up to two rules for the same battle, Equalizer () & Melee Mayhem () are the rules that will reverberate during this battle and also with a Mana of 42 for summons; It would mean a very competitive and even duel of giants ... the Equalizer rule will match the life energy of all monsters on the field, while Melee Mayhem will allow all melee attack monsters to attack from any position. Whenever I look at Melee Mayhem, among the rules for a battle, I try to make the most of it by using high-attack monsters.


Until now, Daria Dragonscale is my summoner that allows me to maximize the abilities of my monsters and with her ability to add +1 to melee attack; It would be the ideal for this battle where Melee Mayhem is one of the rules of the field. Remembering that he is a dragon summoner, therefore he will also allow me to use a strategy combining two kingdoms and the mercenaries (The Neutral Race).

Gelatinous Cube will be the only mercenary (Neutral Race) that I will use in this strategy and will place him in first position. This monster that despite not having any type of attack, has a high amount of vital energy and one of its abilities is self-healing () which allows it to withstand many attacks in battle ... in addition to possessing another ability called Scavenger () and this allows you to obtain +1 vital energy every time a monster dies in battle, this same ability can periodically increase this monster's self-healing ... combining it in the ideal to occupy the first position and endure all the imminent attack of the enemy.

In potions 2 and 3 I will assemble a team of silent assassins, they will be able to direct their entire attack at the enemy with the lowest amount of life energy; that thanks to the opportunistic ability () that they have in common ... they are, Dragon Jumper and Cave Slug. As a contingency plan against a possible premature loss of Gelatinous Cube in the first position, I will use the legendary Dragon behind him so that he can protect that place; With his high amount of vital energy, his fast movements and his flying ability (), I know that he will be able to fulfill this plan by holding and dodging many enemy attacks.

At the center of my strategy, the fourth position, I will place a monster with the lowest statistics within my team and also without any type of attack. He will occupy the center to be guarded by the other monsters within my team, Truthspeaker's only mission will be to protect the entire team with his ability (): which provides +2 shield to all my monsters including himself.

In view of the large number of monsters without attack in my strategy (three to be exact), I would need to continue increasing the attack of the monsters that if they can attack ... with my summoner it would be +1 in the melee attack of my monsters, with only three monsters attacking that positive seems to be short ... so I would need the inspire () ability within my ranks to continue increasing in attack, Silvershield Knight from position five would be the ideal and also has a strong penetrator attack ().

To finish my strategy, in the last position I will place a monster without attack but with its high amount of life and special abilities with which it will be able to withstand or resist all the possible rear attack of the enemy. Said monster is Warrior of Peace and possesses a pair of abilities that weaken and destabilize the enemy attack; Demoralize () causes the melee attack reduction of the opponent's monsters and with Headwinds () it will reduce by -1 the enemy's ranged attack.


In the battle that I share with you today, I wanted to highlight the correct use of monsters without attack and also demonstrating how useful they can be in our strategies. In my strategy I have used a total of six monsters, of which three had no attacks, this causes my offensive to be carried out and perhaps I have put myself at a disadvantage before a quite risky strategy ... to balance the balance a bit I had to come up with an offensive plan with extremely attacking monsters and with the Melee Mayhem it would be very easy; so I tied the +1 contributed by my summoner, plus the +1 supplied by Silvershield Knight through inspire ability and create a +2 increase in melee attack from my only three monsters that could attack.

The offensive had a clear objective: destroy each monster of the enemy one by one as quickly as possible, this objective would be highlighted by two silent assassins and a penetrating attacker. This strategy has a great defense at its ends; the monster that heads it is capable of self-healing and increasing its life by +1 each time a monster dies in the field, in the end a monster that will weaken all the enemy attack and in the center one that will be able to protect all my team.

No Attack.gif


Kingdom Used
Melee Attack Monsters
Ranged Attack Monsters
Magical Attack Monsters
Monsters Without Attack
Total Casualties
The Greater Annihilator
Silvershield Knight
The Most Valuable of the Battle
Gelatinous Cube
Coup of Grace
Silvershield Knight


Monsters without attack are very little used in battles, I have almost always only seen that they use one defensively in the first position (Lord Arianthus is the one I have seen the most) and therefore these special monsters are left a little to a side. I have become quite daring for this occasion and it is that I have decided to put together a strategy where I will not only use one monster without attack, or two, but up to three monsters without attack in my same strategy ... something completely crazy and risky but that It ended up working! ... this group of three monsters without attack I have called the Sealing Team. Share your weekly battle challenge! It is a very entertaining dynamic created by @steemmonsters & @splinterlands [#spt] and for this week there will not be any specific monster as the protagonist, but rather all those monsters that do not have any attack and show us their powerful abilities.


Don't wait any longer to battle.
Click here to enter SteemMonsters


Who writes, his wizard @crisangel




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