CCG Mining - Review and personal thoughts

in #mining7 years ago

Hello ​amazing community,

In this post, ​I am going to talk about CCG Mining and what I could find about them. Just a heads up​ before you start reading this post, I am not going to tell you if you should invest or not in CCG Mining. I will present my review and you will need to think for yourself!

First of all, I want to make this clear from the begging. I will not invest in CCG Mining. This is because I do not trust them and I prefer​ using a different mining cloud service. Don't worry, I won't put any referral​ links in.

Let's start with the actual website.

The first thing​ that we can check, even before we access the website is the domain. We can get information about a domain by access a domain whois lookup and paste​ the domain in.

domain whois

Hmmm ... I can see no information about the registrant of the domain, as it has been created using a domain privacy setting. This will then hide the real information of the registrant from whois searches.

I also see from this whois search that the domain has been registered in March 2017. Remember this one!

Let move on to the actual website and have a look.

ccg mining website

I like it! Professional, simple and easy to use.

Now, the ​first thing that I want to see is the news section. I want to see what they are talking about, where are they talking about that subject and with whom. Right?

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Wait.. is my screen broken? Oh, no.. just a different language, polish by the look of it?
I personally​ would have liked if someone had translated those articles. However, that is not an​ important part and we get past it easily.

Let's try going to the About Us page. Let's see what they have to say.

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CCG Mining was founded in 2016 during the boom of cryptocurrencies. And today everything we do is based on the >principle "We make it easy for you".
CCG Mining - is an international company offering comprehensive solutions based on blockchain technology. So far, we >have ...

Wait!! Did you see anything weird in that? Let's​ go back a bit and revisit the domain. We said that the domain was registered in March 2017. How come the domain is registered early 2017 and ​they launched in 2016? Possible just a mistake.

Let's go further and check their Data Center page.

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As you can see they have a real video posted on this page. I would suggest you ​watch it and after you are done to watch this video. That is how a cloud mining farm should look like.
To be honest, ​though, they have more proof of hashing power then Hashflare so...​ at least that's good.

Now we are ready to see their prices. Let's head up to their contracts page and see what they have to sell.
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I got to say, they really look legit with the prices and what they are offering. You have already predefined plans (which I kind of hate - I would have liked to be able to buy as much or as little as I want) and you can mine a lot of coins: BTC, ETH, ZCASH, MONERO, DASH, LTC, ​and LBRY.

Altcoin contracts are running 2 years each and do not have any fees (niceeee). If they don't f**k off for 2 years you can get a really nice ROI with those contracts.
For BTC contracts are open-ended​ and they charge a small fee of 0.00038 USD for every 10GHs you have.
Just to quickly compare them to Hashflare and Genesis Mining, I would say the prices are not that different and the scam cloud mining businesses are usually selling their hash power very cheap.

Referral program looks legit as well. You get 6% in referral​ bonus for each purchase your referral​​l makes. If I would have seen 15% or more then I would have been alarmed. This looks good as well.

Let see how can we contact them in case we have any problems.

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Looks like we have a lot of methods of contacting them. They have a head office address listed, they have an email address, a Skype​ account​, ​ and the usual​ contact form.

Wait, something caught​ my eye here. They said that they have 2 mining facilities in Poland, however,​ their head office address is in UK.
Let's see if we can find the company on the companies register in the ​UK.

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That is weird as f**k!
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Is it just me or does that not have anything to do with cloud mining?

Also, did the company changed names? Was it named something else? Who changes the company name that often?
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We also see that the company is registered to Michal Kwiecinski.
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It's this guy here.

Let try and find some other images of him on google. If he has such a big company we should find some things about him quickly.
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I could not find a single image of him (except for the same one that I have on CCG Mining website).

Now, I'm starting to become a little suspicious​ and to ask myself what the hell is going on?
Let's continue to dig into his UK based company and check the address of the company.

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Nice building and good location. Let continue googling it.

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That is a little weird? Over 3000 companies in one single building?

Now it hits me...​ what if the company does not actually have an office there and it's just using that address only to be registered. If that's the case then we need to have another company at the same address that offering this kind of services isn't it?
We have around 3300 companies to go through, so this might take a while. Luckily​ for me google helped a lot so there you go.

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Now, ​this makes me really suspicious​ and untrustful​l about this company. Who would register a company in UK and market it as a head office if there is nothing there??

Again, I cannot tell anyone to invest or not to invest. I will just tell you that I will not invest in CCG Mining and if you would invest in this cloud mining service or any other mining services, lending platforms(BIIITTTCOOONEEECCCTTT) or even cryptocurrency​. Read a lot before and do your homework properly. It will save you a lot of money!

I hope you like this post and I will see you in the next one. (you just need to follow me so that you can see my new posts)
Thank you all for reading, enjoy the weekend and have a good one.

Until next time, peace!


I wish I saw this post before I bought 30MH of ETH Mining. 19th and still no deposit to my wallet...

Nevermind. Got my payout from them. Legit so far.

hey so how is it going so far?

It's okay. Obviously the value of ETH has tanked, but I'm getting my payouts (there was a delay in payouts in Feb and they failed to communicate it to contract holders...I had to reach out to their support team, but they did respond to let me know). March payout came on time. I like that they deliver once/month regardless of balance. My payouts are only like 0.04 ETH and they still send it unlike Hashflare (with whom I also have contracts) who has a minimum before you can request a withdrawal.

Another thing I like is that the daily accruals are pretty consistent. I get about 0.0022 ETH every day and it only fluctuates maybe 0.0002 or so (~10% +/-). My Hashflare contracts vary +/-50% some days. Also with Hashflares minimum withdrawals of 0.1003 ETH and 0.1006 ZEC and 0.05 BTC, I have yet to accrue enough to make a withdrawal. Some are saying it's a Ponzi scheme and it's hard to argue that honestly. Hopefully it works out for me because I do have close to $1k invested in my Hashflare contracts because I got some really good rates (utilizing the 30% discount).

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 61282.12
ETH 2375.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55