Faith and Setting Your Sail Right...

in #faith7 years ago


On this December 23rd, I wanted to come to you with a message about faith.

Maybe you have been blogging on steemit for a while with little to no rewards or maybe you are going through a tough time in your life. We all share in our humanity the burden that life is rough, full of suffering and injustice and that no matter what we try to do, all we can do is trying to minimize unnecessary suffering.

In life, we have the choice of living by faith or living in despair. It is up to us to make that choice of picking up our cross and move forward even when we do not have the evidence of our hope in front of us.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrew 11:1

Faith is that principle, that exercise of mind and soul, which has for its object things not seen but hoped for, and which, instead of sinking under them, whether from their difficulty or from their uncertainty, stands firm under them—supports and sustains their pressure—in other words, is assured of, confides in and relies on them.

Would it be from a spiritual point of view or just towards your life goals, you have to live by faith...move forward, take in the feedback that reality is presenting you and adjust your actions accordingly until you are realizing measurable progress towards your meaningful goal.

The Set of the Sail

I thought I would drop this here for you because I believe that what can make the biggest difference for me and you moving into 2018 is our philosophy.

At one of the lowest point in my life, this man helped me think differently...


This is short and sweet, I will come back with some tools and ideas to help you make 2018 your best year ever. Let me know in the comments below what you thought of that little 3 minute clip above.


I always keep faith no matter how bad things get because if I made it this far , God will guide me through every struggle . Some people over time loose faith which is the worst thing ever because once u turn from faith , going back and believing is very difficult

i think crypto in 2018 will be bigger than ever and it will be best year ever for all of us! We have same winds ,but not all doing new sails and do drastically changes , quite good video for motivation before 2018

The same wind blows on us all, the same Steem rains down in rewards on us all. Let's set our sails to catch it and ride the crypto waves!

@cryptoctopus - Sir after I start believe on Steem & Steemit, my life has been changed... I'm learning, I'm reading, I'm discussing, I'm earning everything I'm doing due to this platform Sir... So, I keep faith on you, you are helping us... & to this platform too Sir...

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

In the words of the immortal George Michaels , "cause I gotta have faith... I gotta have fa-ith" ... Then he goes into talking about touching bodies, but we'll skip over that part

Oh yes, a wonderful post and a theme of faith have always touched me sincerely! I thought about this a lot and believe that we get what we believe from life. You believe that life is beautiful and beautiful. You believe that she is terrible, she is terrible. You believe that there is no way out and you will not find a way out. You believe that there is a way out, you will certainly see it. You are waiting for trouble, she will definitely come. You're afraid of getting sick, you'll get sick. You believe in success and you will create it. You are waiting for happiness and it is already on your way to you! Our faith creates our reality! Thank you @cryptoctopus

I read your post and listened to the clip, this 3 minute clip is really encouraging. Yes it is very right that the same wind blows on all, the thing that matters is set of the sail. If you wanna change the world start off by making your bed. Thanks for encouraging and please keep on providing such stuff to make your fans stay motivated and positive.

"This is short and sweet, I will come back with some tools and ideas to help you make 2018 your best year ever."
You always tells us to keep faith on STEEM! You always motivate us to think positive about this amazing platform and the blockchain! That faith leads us to the wonderful life, in 2018 yeah it will be true!
Merry X'mas friend!


If I wasnt already upvoting you, I would simply for the Jim Rohn reference. Great job on that.

I want to thank you for posting this. After seeing the "flag" war that occurred this week, it is easy to get discouraged with what is going on here. We need to remain true to our reason for being here. This blockchain is going to be one of the forces changing the world. STEEM will be absolutely incredible for people. Even a little bit of SP, in my opinion, will be valuable.

Nothing happens without adversity. That simply is a part of life. In the pursuit of any goal, things ebbs and flow.

Whatever the term or the significance of it to the individual, the bottom line is progressing forward with an idea while not knowing how things will turn out yet expecting it to be positive.

For those with religious or spiritual leanings, this time of year has special meaning. However, even for those without, it is a good time for reflection upon how we are now compared to what we would like to be. For those of us dedicated to steemit, how can we uplift our behavior on here to make this place special. Recreating Facebook Part 2 isnt in our best interest. Blockchain is creating a new paradigm freeing people from the tyranny of the banking system. Because of that, I feel, it is up to us to break ourselves free of the mindset the banksters and their minnions (media, advertisers, educational system, etc) instill in us.

Your comment was very inspiring, thank you so much! I am sad too because of the flag war...

I'm new here, but loving this community. What is a flag war if I may ask?

A flag is locate to the right of each post. When you flag a post, you are essentially downvoting that post. Hence, the person loses whatever your vote is worth in reward.

People get into battles and it goes back and forth, with others joining in on each side. Hence the term war applied to it.

It is nasty and like all wars, in the end, nobody really wins.

A tough lesson for me but I am learning to avoid them. To truly take this place to the level it needs to go, we need to see a move uplifting behavior. Steemit success is based upon helping others, not oneself.

While I was reading what you wrote about faith, I was thinking faith is what you do. Then the first words on the video confirmed, faith is what you do, not what happens to you.

Looking forward to seeing more on this topic. Personal growth is always a good topic to chew on and apply to your life.

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