First Look at Holy Bread Crypto Game

in Threespeak4 years ago

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Just a few days ago a new game has landed on STEEM and since then, everyone is talking about it... If you are easily hooked on the game (as I am), I don't know what advice can I give you... Maybe it's better for you to not watch this video as you will probably lose a significant part of your future life.

Also, if you have a girlfriend, maybe it's the right time to call her now... Before opening the account and start with the game... :)

As I was playing Diablo back in days, and a few games with items, inventory, gadgets, etc., so I was an easy victim for this game... It was a perfect fit... :)

So, at the start, you pick between 3 classes of heroes, Mage, Archer and Warrior and as you are playing, you equip your hero with stuff made especially for it...

Check out the video for a deeper look inside the game and a few tips for the start...

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here


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Just started to play. It’s fun!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's crazy how it's addictive... :)

i know! non stop! Ha!!

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@cryptofiloz thanks for that video on the gameplay.
I just wanted to add, you can recruit arer, epic and legendary heroes in the Recruit section. When you recorded the video, there were no legendaries but if there were, they cost 1000 Bread.
I hope you keep enjoying the game :)

Thanks for the comment! You are right, you can recruit them... And as it looks, you HAVE TO recruit them as the chance to find them is really small.. :(

Yep it's a very rare chance to find an epic or legendary hero but this again adds value to them.

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