RE: The Holocaust Denial Diaries - Entry #1
well all the intellectuas thats have examined the evidnence know that the gassings were bogus the so called gas chambers were used for delicing and typhoid .even in the nazi war crimes trial gassing were never brought up but the propaganda of the gas sinf narrative was slowly introduced over the next 50 years until it became a certifued reality !
anyone thats ever seen a gas chamber can tell you they are basically built like decompression chambers like a submarine hernetically sealed with vaccume pipes required to degas a room to prevent the people performing the gassing from getting killed ! the storiesof people getting gassed all night group after group squeezed in hundred at a time is bugus too as it would be impossible to degas the room for the removal of the corpsus without killing the people doing the moving ! i mean the list gos on and on !not to mention the math it just physically impossible
yes the Leuchter report and examinations of the "so called" gas chambers and the other actual gas chambers used for decontamination done by others is the most convincing evidence against the holocaust for me. The greatest implication to come from that is then any so called eyewitness testimony is completely discredited if they say anything about gas chambers as well as mass cremation for any purpose other than disease control, upto and including the testimony given by Nazi Officer's in the Nuremberg Trials, which apparently it can be argued was mostly made up of forced confessions, something governments from all sides are notorious for doing up to the present day in places like Guantanamo. We also know government has a habit of claiming false flag atrocities from things like WMD's, The Gulf of Tonkin, the fact that F.D.R. knew the Japaneses were going to attack Pearl Harbor, and the sinking of the Lusitania.