Would Monero (XMR) Jump Start OpenBazaar?

in #monero6 years ago

As many of you have read on OpenBazaar’s Subreddit, a handful of people requested XMR integration. Could this coin add more buyer and vendor base?



Some people in Crypto are into stealthcoins as they help in hiding previous transactions from discovery. Coin anonymity is sometimes called fungibility. The Monero crowd believes stealthcoins are fungible.

Government Resistant Money?

One of the core beliefs of many cyperpunks and supporters of stealthcoins is that cryptocurrencies can’t be sub servant to the governments of the world. They believe that since governments change on issues so quickly, it could be impossible for compliance with 90% of the world governments. Regimes rises and fall often.

Merchant Adoption Movement

There has been a somewhat strong effort to bring XMR to eCommerce. Like one redditor’s XMR Yard Sale, a few eCommerce websites that take XMR. Two WooCommerce XMR Plugins in active development.

XMR supports both SPV and Full Node

It’s recommended to run a full node to add more privacy and security. However, anyone could run an SPV client on their Android Phone or Windows Wallet. Coinomi (SPV Phone Wallet) just added XMR support.


Closing Statement

Crypto is early on, so we don’t know for sure if consumer base with shift to government resistant coins like Monero and Bitcoin Cash or towards government compliant coins such as Bitcoin SV. The best option is to allow OpenBazaar to stay neutral on coin offering at let the dominant ones win. OB1 Team should add Monero support once they roll out a larger multi-wallet.

