I feel impressed to say this to someone today - CALL TO REMEMBRANCE THE FORMER DAYS.

in #motivation7 years ago

Once upon a time, there lived YOU.

YOU believed there was more to life than just running a successful business or career.

YOU understood the race wasn't to the swift nor the battle to the strong.

So YOU knew how to sincerely surrender your plans to God and allow Him lead while you follow.

YOU knew your physical eyes were limited and may not see opportunities that sometimes lie in front of you.

So YOU understood you had to pray for the grace of open eyes and the ability to see what others are blind to.

YOU knew only your Heavenly Father could offer such practical insight and so you trusted Him totally.

There were times you had nothing, didn't even know where the next meal would come from but somehow there was a miraculous supply.

I know you didn't get results for all your prayers.

I know you felt alone sometimes too.

However, you cannot deny those moments when you evidently had the power of God come through for you.

Do you remember how proactive you were with Him? You got Him involved on everything from the get go.

YOU didn't choose what you wanted to do and asked Him to prosper you. Instead you allowed Him choose and show you how it will be done.

Sadly, not so anymore!

YOU have alot of "wise people" around you now.

YOU are exposed to daily doses (or should I say overdoses) of motivation and wise sayings (which aren't bad) but you still feel you are missing something.

Your faith is now reactionary. YOU only seek Him when there is trouble or when you are in real need.

But are you really satisfied with your life right now?

And I don't mean comparing yourself with other people now.

In the sincerity of your heart, are you fully convinced you are giving expressions to those things that make your spirit glow and give you your real best life?

YOU have adopted a new meaning of success from 'strangers'.

YOU admire people who you think have influence and are celebrated.

The more you read their posts and follow them the more lost you get about who you truly are and what you should really be doing.

YOU don't even know you anymore.

Sometimes you scroll through your newsfeed, get fired up from reading stuffs, gather plenty information yet you still can't find you.

YOU are lost! You know it in your heart but your head won't let you see it.

YOU just need me to tell you that until you call to remembrance the former days and how it all began you will only be a shadow of those you now call your role models.

Let me end this with a story you probably know.

And I will paraphrase:

David said to King Saul, "Sir if I face Goliath with this shield, sword (and the other military weapons), he will kill me.

I hope I will be able to use the sword some day but for now I'll be using WHAT I KNOW WILL WORK FOR ME not what others are using."

So he took a sling and five stones. And with just one stone the job was done.

Off course, I believe he later learned to use the sword but he was sincere to know what level he was, the God that had helped him win battles nobody knew of and what his real competitive advantage was at that time.

You know the battles you have fought that others don't know of. How God helped you when you knew nothing.

Now you allow people to talk you out of your most precious faith.

It's time to find back yourself.

I sincerely hope you DO IT NOW!

I really hope you do.


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