Top 3 cryptocurrency to invest 2018

in #invest6 years ago

It seems that everyone nowadays is investing in cryptocurrency. People don’t see investing in digital assets as a risky investment. On the contrary, they have understood that investing in emerging markets is a smart thing. The value of cryptocurrency doesn’t depend on the dollar, which means that you can experience an increase in value, even in times of economic hardship. There is no need to worry about your money.  Some of the most successful entrepreneurs around the globe invest in digital assets. That should be enough to convince you. Cryptocurrency is the currency of the future. So, what are you waiting for? There are many choices out there, you just have to pick one. Continue reading to find out what digital assets are rewarding from a risk-reward standpoint.  

1. Bitcoin  

Bitcoin is commonly referred to as the blockchain technology. It’s the most famous digital asset, appearing in the news almost every day. The cryptocurrency was created in 2009 by a pseudo anonymous software developer. His aim was to create an innovative electronic cash system, independent of any authority. When using Bitcoin, there is no need to print bills or use coins. The identity of the owners is concealed. Instead of utilizing names or social security numbers, buyers and sellers are connected thorough encryption keys.    The value of Bitcoin has increased over the last years. There is no better time than now to invest in Bitcoin. People who have put their money into this digital asset have become billionaires. Unlike other types of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin isn’t affected by political instability. As a matter of fact, unsteadiness is good for Bitcoin. The digital asset isn’t under the control of any government or institutional authority. When there was unrest in Asia, for example, Bitcoin experienced a surge in price. More and more organizations are accepting this cryptocurrency as payment. Examples include Microsoft and Expedia. Exchange fees are minimal, meaning that Bitcoin provides a cost-effective way to trade.  

2. Ripple (XRP) 

In case you didn’t know, Ripple (XRP) is the third most valuable digital asset in the world. It was released in 2012. Although it’s categorized as a cryptocurrency, it doesn’t operate in the same way as other virtual currencies. To be more precise, Ripple is a network and not a coin. The coin runs in the ledger. The Ripple network is an open-source protocol that requires various parties to take part in the transaction. There is no need for a decentralized authority. Ripple provides an alternative trust-based system.   The best thing you can do is to buy XRP cryptocurrency. Why? Because Ripple offers one of the most pleasant experiences. When using blockchain, you can process customer payments a lot faster, not to mention that you can trade money overseas without great difficulty. The process is as simple as it can be, monetary payment being issued through a digital channel. In 2017, Ripple registered a growth of approximately 36,000%. What do you say about that? It’s true that the price of the digital asset has decreased a little bit in 2018, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth considering. The price of XRP may be lower than the price of Bitcoin, but Ripple remains the third most important cryptocurrency in the world. everybody wants a piece of the cake.  Coinbase is going to add many virtual currencies to their platform in 2018. At this point, it’s a mystery what digital assets they will be adding. One thing is for sure and that is that XRP will make an appearance. Beginner investors who don’t know how to use exchanges in order to purchase XRP will learn how to. They have no choice but to learn because Ripple is more appealing and low-cost.  Many people are wondering what makes Ripple perfect for adoption. The answer is simple. The virtual currency is fast, scalable, and, most importantly, stable. Payments are finalized in a matter of seconds. What is more, it’s possible to handle more transactions than ever. The system is able to handle 1500 transactions per second. Just think about it.  

3. EOS 

There is blockchain technology similar to Ethereum and it’s called EOS. Its goal is to provide developers with the tools that they need to create DApps (decentralized applications). What EOS does is to bring together the best characteristics and promises of various contrast technologies. The platform was developed to enable quick transactions and great scalability. You don’t have the same problems with EOS as you do with other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In other words, you don’t have to deal with issues like latency or slowness at the scale. If your intention is to make money with digital assets, then you should direct your attention towards EOS.  EOS is well-funded

Development is incentivized, the result being that the future blockchain projects will be successful. Some people go so far as to say that this cryptocurrency is the most well-funded project in history. There is no evidence to support this theory. However, you have guarantee that the system experiences ongoing development. Ethereum was to become a decentralized computer. Experts soon realized that this involves a great deal of work and gave up on the plan. It’s a good thing that EOS came into the picture. The digital asset relies exclusively on inflation, which is the reason why you don’t have to worry about funding. EOS has huge potential and that is something to keep in mind.  

Final thoughts 

Cryptocurrency continues to receive a great deal of attention and it’s not hard to understand why. Not everyone who invests in digital assets becomes a billionaire. That is true, yet it doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth trying. Significant amounts of money can be made by trading and investing in cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ripple, and EOS. Cryptocurrencies aren’t a normal type of investment, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The fact that some aspects are unregulated is an advantage in certain situations. A positive growth is expected this year. The question now is: What are you waiting for?   

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