Oxen Are Calm Yet Defiantly Determined Beasts - Blockchain Coffee “Spirit Animal”

in Freewriters4 years ago

Upon reading the prompt I start muttering to myself "this is a good topic to ask my fiancé" but when I spin around to ask she answered before my spin could complete

Like any good creative mind, yea I talk to myself. Mel often thinks I am speaking to her already never interpreting the fact I am talking to myself. Simply vocalizing my internal voice.

"An Ox" said my fiancé Mel from behind me making me spin just that little bit quicker. I knew she was there but like usual hadn't realized I was speaking aloud again. Also as per usual my surprise, surprised her and we both kinda lurched away from each other upon sight.

I had immediately thought the situation was one worthy of its own write up yet trying to remain on topic with my thoughts I asked "why an ox?"

Mel replied "your father goes by Moose. Your mothers last name is Cowley. Fathers last name has double the B, S(BBS) in it. If I was to guess your spirit animal would be somewhere between a moose and cow with plenty of attitude." Mel went on to explain that they may be nearly the closest thing to horned cows that exists but most importantly

Oxen Are Calm Yet Defiantly Determined Beasts

Has The Idea Of Being A Witness Crossed Your Mind?
For me it started as a desire to learn if I could do it.

Maybe It's Time To Run That Idea Out?
I for one will be certain to support in any way I can the new witnesses in their efforts to help maintain the blockchain... hit us up in discord 👌

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://d00k13.com/2020/05/oxen-are-calm-yet-defiantly-determined-beasts-blockchain-coffee-spirit-animal/

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