365 Days That Count - Day 259 - The most magical, over the top amazing wedding EVER.. A story in pictures! 📷 💍 💕 👑

in #life7 years ago (edited)


This was a wedding like no other, I really don't know where to begin apart from to say it was truly was magical from beginning to end!

I'll let the pictures do most of the talking but just to give you an idea of the order of things, we started off with the traditional part of the proceedings in the castle chapel. The bride appeared in a jaw dropping dress adorned with live roses followed by her little flower girls carrying her train, bare foot in their beautiful little frocks. The ceremony was perfect, the priest was funny yet tender and the cheer that erupted as he pronounced "you may kiss the bride" was the first of many moments it was made evident just how much love there was for the special couple saying "I do".


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From the chapel we made our way to the drawing room for tea and cake.

The room looked even more magnificent than it had the day before on our tour now filled with 100 people in their finest wear. The cake was simple yet beautiful and sat patiently waiting to be cut by the sword lying in front of it. Laurie and Rambo made their entrance to yet more cheering and now without her vail the true splendour of her magnificent alive dress could be seen.

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The mother of the bride looked like a Frida Carlo throw back in her exquisite outfit and although exhausted by the build up to the wedding was a vision of pink.

The father of the bride is persona non grata so one of their oldest family friends stepped in to give a beautiful and heart felt speech to the bride and groom. After more cheering we gathered around for the cutting of the cake before making our way out to the dressing rooms to change into our fancy dress outfits for the next part of the day.


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This was the part they had fought for when their parents had rolled their eyes. A little way down from the castle lay a wooded area surrounding a lake called Frog Hollow and here we all gathered in a display of feathers, glitter and masks.

Only 100 people had been included in the church service and we were now joined by another 250 people who had all made a spectacular effort to honour the couples love of dressing up. There was everything from mad hatter inspired outfits to pirates and moulin rouge dancers. It was an incredible sight.

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We gathered around to watch the breath taking couple appear out of the woods looking like a vision in gold, flanked by horse men and led by the stand in father of the bride, Paul.

What happened next was one of the most special moments I've ever been a part of. After the wedding party made short tributes to the couple the ushers gathered to sing Brian Adams' "Everything I do, I do it for you" and after the first verse the entire 350 strong crowd joined in. The out pouring of love was so palpable it gives me goose bumps just writing about it.


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Once the singing and subsequent cheering had subsided the horsemen blew their horns and led us across the way to our final destination, a beautiful, bohemian marque on the other side of the lake.

What followed was one of the best parties I've ever been to. There were speeches and champagne before the music took over and dancing became the main order of business. A few hours later the last surprise of the evening unfolded when a Freddie Mercury impersonator led us all through Queen's greatest hits. It was a spectacular show of colour, joy and love, I've never been a part of anything like it and I doubt I ever will be again.

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I don't know what time we called it a night but I do know that my cheeks were sore from smiling and my legs were tired from dancing.

It was positively amazing and we left wanting to start all over again! I'm so happy for my friends that everything went off without a hitch and so grateful we were able to be here to celebrate with them! I wish them all the happiness in the world as they start this new chapter of their lives. One thing's for sure, it will not be boring!


Daisy xx

🌸 If you enjoyed this post please vote, comment & resteem - it is much appreciated, as always. For more, follow me @daisyd 🌸


Good post, nice and amazing

Thank you for reading @atta09

Congratulations for your wedding and congratulations so that we hope for a life full of joy, pleasure and joy

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