STEEM Competition Enough With FUD
The fact that STEEM is almost non-existent on anyone's radar in the cryptocurrency world, and there are almost no people outside, means that all FUDs come from Steemian. It is people who are in STEEM who spread negativity.
Lately, what's most famous is STEEM. Many point to other projects that will take Steemit.
I just shook my head to shave things like this.Do people really understand what is happening here?
To start,for the final time,Steemit is not STEEM.
Steemit is an application on the STEEM blockchain and, currently, the most popular. That said, there are others, in my view, better than Steemit.'

It is also related to processes that work to improve and block to block this. There is a little need to repeat everything because it can be read on the blog developer,
Blockchain is a new industry. This technology is still in experiment. Every day we see more being developed that enlarges the entire ecosystem. Because many people see projects that are similar to STEEM because they are based on social media, we get the next "Steemit friendship".
This blockchain has more than two years of operation.There are reports that most blockchain projects last less than graduates.STEEM has built itself as designed for the long term.

Two years provide an invaluable experience. Read through some posts that people are here All the time and you will see some growing science Many mistakes make that need a lot.I wrote a few posts about Minds.That is a project that has the feel of Facebook. One of the things they do as long as they are to find out the gift system.STEEM already has that taken care of.The mind can spend the next 6 months to determine the best course of action with it.

***The success of Blockchain depends on the community. Many like to talk about 1M users, numbers that do not matter to me. Many people agree with me about it.They allude to 60K who transact every day.From a long perspective, it also does not tell me. ***
What the sign says, at this point, is the developers. That is the dividing factor. STEEM spends two years on people who want to create an app and tie it to this blockchain. There are posts every day, other apps. The rate of development is remarkable.
Like the others, it is a number game.There really is no way to find out what is meant by an online crowd. Who predicted the success of CryptoKitties? But that is a game that blocks the blockchain Ethereum. A right from the blockchain game.

Many applications developed on blockchain STEEM will not go anywhere. Failure is part of development. That said, there will be some who are successful screaming.That is the main attraction.

Here There will be blockchain and other social media applications that may be better than Steemit.Heck, I'm sure that there will be many applications in STEEM that eventually surpass Steemit as we move forward. I just read there are now 5.6 billion people connected to the Internet. Unless you are someone who thinks that everyone will eventually be in STEEEM, the fact that people will have choices should not be a surprise. There will be another social media blockchain that has hundreds of millions of people
The entire blockchain industry is only 9 years old; STEEM operates more than two.For young industries, who are considered old workers.
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Thank @damanaceh. 🐬🐬