Part one of the story.

in #story7 years ago

So here it begins.... Are you ready?? Am i ready?? I guess we all will soon find out..

Hello readers i am Damien John Hill and this is basically my life story well my story thus far. I am nineteen years old now and have lived in the same town for all my life sad right?? The towns name is Kokstad it is one of those small towns were you think that everybody must be close and people are all friends with their neighbors and trees are all neatly in a line that type of stuff.... I must say to an extent this small quite town is just that, but i am not here to describe what everyone sees a little town as i am rather going to show and tell you the small dark secrets of this town and what a small town did to me.

We start this journey together right at the beginning well not right at the beginning but pre-school guess you thinking how could this possibly play a role?? Well funny enough a lot because it is were ground work for a later story is laid out but more about that later. When i was in pre-school a lot of behind the scenes things happened things that at the time made little to no sense to me at all things like my father leaving the family or people saying things about my mother and family things that only later on seemed to resurface in my life by means of other people and make sense. On a positive note i ended up have a huge crush on a girl yes even at my young age i used to follow her and bring her chocolates it was one of those are that is cute type things. Life at that point was simple easy to follow go to school,play,see my crush and go home simple blissful really no worries and no responsibilities nothing better. But you see even though this was the easy time in life i had well clearly lost my father and my friends did not so slowly i put pieces together and asked why he had left. My mother had asked him to things had not worked out and she wanted out of the relationship(this all comes into play later don'"t be discouraged please). 

After pre-school it was primary school now this is were the story really begins because as you read pre-school was more the laid ground work for what lay ahead. I entered a school called Kokstad Junior School it is honestly one of those small town things were you have to go to that school its like a heritage supposedly an honor. Anyways my crush in pre-school left and that really bummed me out but as a kid i got over it in a few days the teachers i had in grade one seemed really nice and i had fun my first year of primary school made friends and realized that even at that age kids form groups not everyone is friends with everyone. Grade two made me realize even more that it seems to be built into people to slowly form closed off groups with people that they know and people who fit the same bracket as them now this is scary that now i realize that this was happening in grade two i mean we were kids of eight i mean seriously what the hell?? But anyways social clicks etc began to form and things began to change heavily for me i started to become and feel left out and over time during my grades three, four and five at school things started getting worse. You see as kids get older so do their abilities to hurt one another also they become more in tune and thus pick up on things that happen around them. When i was in grade four it was decided that i had to go and see my father every second weekend now i had never had to do this and it was very strange for me and i had no idea what was going on. Anyways i left my mom one weekend and was in a city called Pietermaritzburg with my father it was all so new and big and scary i honestly just wanted my mother she was what i was used too my safe haven as a kid that is everything to them trust me. He took me to a house and walked me in with my stuff and he introduced me to a lady who seemed sweet i know when i hugged her she smelt like flowers. I had no idea what was going on who was this lady and why were we here but we stayed their the whole weekend and i began to love it this lady was so sweet just like my mom was she would take me into the garden her garden was beautiful lots of roses big oak trees and many little flowers she would take me to pick flowers with her and she took time with me. I remember fondly the time she spent drawing with me she taught me how to draw birds well they were more like very long squished M's but hay it was cool!

But then he picked me up one weekend and we went down different streets and were in a place i had never seen before now no matter what kids at that age do not like sudden change. We ended up  at a house and inside i met a women and her two much older sons little did i know that this change was going to be one of the biggest and destructive in my life.

Well guys this has been part one of my story i know it has been a long read but bare with me on this and i promise you will see the value behind this story. Thank you to those we read this!! Tomorrow you will have part two!



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