@poloniex what the actual fuck?

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Really thats how its gonna go down? Then you give me a bunk link to your faq question for pages I cant even access? Where do I trade steem for btc now? Anyone?


To be fair to them, I read about this and there's various places they legally can't operate. I believe they had to move from New York one time because of the ridiculous 'Bitcoin licenses' that are being pushed there, many Bitcoin companies simply moved and didn't do business there when it was all announced.

If you had kept yourself informed you'd know about this sort of thing, that said, it would have been a bit better of them to give people a warning about this when they first get accounts created.

Here's a list of exchanges from coinmarketcap.


You are right. Luckily I didn't keep anything on there I left the internet for about two weeks working on my new house and come back to instantly being out the loop.

Strange things happening with poloniex these days.

It's not strange at all really, they're a professional company, so if you verify your account with them they have to obey the law which is what I suspect is happening here. It's ridiculous they have to do this and it sucks it's happening to people but they'd get shut down otherwise. This is one of the perils of having any kind of legitimate business that operates offline in any fashion.

I understand Polo does have to keep track of financial regulations by state. Reading about the shutdown for Washington State just made me shutter and think of the article I read about possible Insider Trading. I know it's not related but just made me kinda do a double take and think "Whoa". Then I read about why they are leaving Washington State. I may have overreacted and for that I do apologize.

It's totally understandable given the way Bitcoin is at time, it would piss me off if someone at Poloniex was doing that as I like trading with them myself. So far though they've always had legitimate reasons for doing the things they do.

Always read the fine print if you're planning on doing business with a company long term, that's something I've had to learn properly these days.

After April 21, 2017, your account will be placed in a suspended state and access will be restricted. If you still have funds on balance at this time, you will need to file a support ticket in order to withdraw your funds. There is no deadline on this, but we request you withdraw as soon as possible. Found from this link Though it does say AFTER the 21st so I would have thought you would be ok today. As it's not after the 21st. Your screenshot says otherwise.

Isnt that cool? Lol Its .001 bitcoin they can have it. Not worth the trouble.

Would using a proxy help, i know that in the UK you need to use a proxy in the US to watch certain shows from their websites.

No it asked me what state I live in and i selected washington.

"Where do I trade steem for btc now? Anyone?"





Use shapeshift to turn steem into bitcoins and many other currencies. No having to sign up to exchanges no having to give your drivers liscense and other private and personal info. if all you care about is exchanging coin for coin shapeshift seems to be the best as of today.

You should be using decentralized exchanges such as Bitshares instead of centralized exchanges.