Future's Computing Powerhouse

in Project HOPElast month

Quantum computing, a developing area at points of physics and computer science is promising to change our way of life as we have always known. In contrary to classical computers which use bits as something that the computer 'understands’ (0 or 1), the quantum computers work with another type of bits named qubits, which can simultaneously exist in multiple states owing to the principles of superposition and entanglement.


Speed of calculations by the quantum computers powered by this feature that enhances their ability to determine combinations of different states is exponentially higher than that by the classical or present-day computers. Examples of such tasks, include cryptography, drug discovery, climate modeling, and optimization problems, which might take current set of machine modeling years to solve, but those would be done within a few minutes.

Nevertheless, it is also quantum computing that has got its own problems. The most challenging part of preserving qubits the integrity of their quantum states, known as coherence, turns out. Scientists design error proof methods and quantum systems eligible faulty to allow these menacing machine to come into being .

Thanks to major companies and research organizations working in tandem to the same goal of achieving quantum power, the time for quantum supremacy has arrived, i.e. the new era in computational power and problem solving.

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