Be a productive new man

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Hello family, once again i'm so delighted to be part of this great family of believers. Am here today to remind us that as believers we are called to be productive, you cannot be useful to any organization if you are not productive, so it is important for us believers to rise into responsibility.


Brifely i want to discuss the characteristics and the benefit of being a productive new man in Christ Jesus.

To be productive is to be fruitful, impactful, useful and healthful to the kingdom, every life is likened to an economic tree which is planted, nurture and care for with a great expectations to be profitable. Your profitability begins when the kingdom of God enjoys the benefit of your creation.

Characteristics of a profitable new man

=>> He is a persevere in all situation=>> Jeremiah 18:1-6

=>> He is diligent=>>

2 Timothy 4:11 Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry.

=>> He is a man of sincerity=>> Titus 2:7

=>> He has self discipline, self control.

Self discipline is ability to discipline yourself, actions and temperament so that you may have harmony with God. Is also ability to say no to your inappropriate thought, ability to but accountable and faithful in is stewardship.
1 Corinthians 9:27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

=>> He is ready to preach the gospel and also practice what he preaches=>> Romans 1:6

=>> He is able to stirred up the ability inside of him=>>Exodus 31:1-6

=>> He is always ready to learn new things that are good=>> 2Timothy 2:15

A mighty man in learning is a mighty man indeed=>>Daniel 9:2
A profitable new man is a man with sound speech
=>> He will is humble, obedience and fear God=>> Philippine 2:8

These are the characteristics of a productive new man in Christ Jesus, let us also consider the benefit of being productive new man in Christ Jesus.

What you enjoy as a profitable new man
=>> You enjoy divine attention.

=>> You enjoy divine lifting, promotion and good health.

=>> You enjoy open doors.

=>> You enjoy divine connection.

=>> You enjoy ability to do all thing well.

These are the benefit of being a profitable new man in Christ Jesus. Note that you were not save to relaxed but you were save to continue the unfinished work of Christ, which is evangelism.

Stay blessed and be profitable to the kingdom of God.

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