There's Fake in Fear

in HeartChurch4 years ago

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.(.2 Timothy 1:7)


God has not given us the spirit of fear, fear is of the devil, Satan can only have access to your life when he successfully introduced fear to your life.

      **what is fear**

Fear is false evidence appearing to be real

The only weapon the devil uses to access a believers life is fear, the devil knows that he does not have any authority over a believer life, that is why he will always come to you with fear, and when you don't know your right as a believer you fall a victim.

Anytime you are so fearful, just know that you have allow yourself to be use by the devil, the scripture says that God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power.

So as a believer, you are suppose to exercise power over every situation of life, instead of trying to succumb to that fear that the devil had introduced into your life .

Almost everything we are afraid of are not real, sometimes sickness don't kill people but fear does, when the devil want to kill you he introduce fear into your system, and the moment you start being afraid of dead, then you will certainly die.

When you have a sound mind, you will understand that, as a believer you are not suppose to be afraid over anything, take example at when Jesus was in the boat with the disciplines and the storm came, Jesus wake up and exercise power over the wind and the storm.

Jesus was not afraid, because He knew that, that's not how He was going to die, Jesus had a precise knowledge about His dead, that's why He was not afraid when He was face with the storm, He just wake up and rebuked the wind and the wind ceased.

So the word of God will help you have a precise knowledge about who you are in Christ Jesus, because when you know, you will take your stand.

Don't for that courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear not absence of fear.

Fear will always come, but courage is resistance to fear

Stay blessed, keep engaging my blog.

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