God's relationship with us is based on obedience, if we want to have a good relationship with God we must obey him.
In Genesis chapter 3 we see for the first time what is an act of disobedience to GOD, which unquestionably has consequences for the disobedient.
We disobey because we feel self-sufficient and therefore we contradict what GOD Has said to us, therefore we choose to do our will and not that of GOD, this brings negative results to our life.
Disobedience is a rebellion against GOD and makes us sinners.
Romans 5:19 For just as by the disobedience of one man many were made sinners, so also by the obedience of only one many will be made righteous.
Here is a clear lesson in what God expects from us: obedience rather than sacrifice.
Whatever we try to do for God that does not involve obedience to Him, will be an empty ritual.
It is not that you obey doing what you want, but how God told you to do it.
Disobedience takes away our freedom
As parents, we know what hurts us when we observe that our children who go to a well, or an abyss, and we can not do anything because unfortunately they are people with their own decisions, in the same way God makes us, can not go against of his word, he hates sin, though he loves the sinner.
Once, when my daughter was about a year, I neglected and saw her fall, I ran to save her from that fall but did not arrive in time, she broke her face, there the gentleman spoke to me saying: This hurts me, When I see that you are going to fall and I can not do anything to prevent you from falling.
I began to meditate since then that God is sovereign, is love but can not go against his divine nature to please us.
An example of clear disobedience is at the moment of choosing the person who is going to be our partner, who tells us the word: Do not unite yourselves in an unequal yoke with the unbelievers; because what fellowship does justice have with injustice? And what communion has light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14
It has attracted my attention and I always said that God did not get involved in marriages, since people were constantly divorced even in the churches. Until I understood that when you do not choose the right person for your life, an unequal yoke you enter in disobedience to the word, then the enemy Satan becomes legal in the person you chose, and without realizing it, your destruction begins.
Some religious wonder. So God is in agreement with the divorce?
No, but you do not agree when the person next to you is the right one, the one that he had reserved to fulfill his purpose. But we are hurried, we know that something is wrong and we think that God is good, and that then the circumstances will change. God does not work that way, but with obedience to his word.
If you are a God-fearing person, correct, as you can think of marrying someone who does not love God, the person who does not love God will not be able to love anyone else. Because God is love, love is given for him. Love is the nature of God.
Some religious wonder. So God is in agreement with the divorce?
No, but you do not agree when the person next to you is the right one, the one that he had reserved to fulfill his purpose. But we are hurried, we know that something is wrong and we think that God is good, and that then the circumstances will change. God does not work that way, but with obedience to his word.
If you are a God-fearing person, correct, as you can think of marrying someone who does not love God, the person who does not love God will not be able to love anyone else. Because God is love, love is given for him. Love is the nature of God.
Without realizing it will open a door to the enemy, to enter your life take your weak areas, to kill it. With anguish, anxiety, despair, and you get to a jail, which can not find exit.Then in the middle of the pain you remember the father, you want to return home, in a feeling of despair and with broken hearts, with deep wounds that take time to heal. And only God as good Father has the ability to heal with his ointment of mercy and piety.
Disobedience to God costs dearly, my brothers and friends. We must act with wisdom, it is hard when our life is at the mercy of people who do not share our vision, nor our purpose.
Although we have been unfaithful and disobedient our beloved God remains faithful waiting for us with open arms to restore us. Today is a good day to ask God's forgiveness for our disobedience and reach the appropriate help.
The word says that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and only the violent take it away, it is courageous to recognize our sin and renounce it and start a new life in Christ.
God always has prepared the best for us, and how sad it is when we realize that we have lost time, years, with wrong people.
Disobedience brings disease.
The king wanting to fight against God, ordering the arrest of the servant of God, his hand dries up. Vs.4.
Disobedience brings scarcity. Haggai 1: 5-6
5 For thus saith the LORD of hosts: Meditate well on your ways.
6 You sow much, and gather little; you eat, and you are not satisfied; you drink, and you are not satisfied; you dress, and you do not warm up; and he who works for wages receives his wages in broken bag.
Disobedience brings fear First of Samuel 18: 11-12
Disobedience brings death
Verse 24 of First Kings 13
What Jehovah God asks of his children, obedience is not only in tithing, in giving, in helping the poor and needy, in fasting, in praying, all this is only part of what the son of God must do. Obedience Jehovah God goes far beyond the thoughts of man as the heavens are higher than the earth so are the thoughts of God, obedience is more than a pretext of men; Obedience is dying to the "I" and allowing Jesus to reign in our heart, obedience to God goes beyond the dogmas or norms imposed by men, obedience to God are more than traditions or religions.
Some will be remediable but perhaps there will be others that will be irremediable and that will definitely change not only our life here on earth, but our eternity with Christ.
I urge you to make things clear before God, to be obedient and not to lose that constant contact with our Lord and Savior.
Leave all arrogance, or society and disobedience so that tomorrow we do not have to hide when we hear the voice of God. If today there is something wrong with your life, make the decision to surrender it to God, and ordering our dwelling is the only way of God's marriage and our purpose can be fulfilled.
There is always consequences of disobedience.
Disobedience put someone in bondage and give the Devil opportunity to toy with someone's life.
Obedience is the key to have a smooth walk with God.
Thanks for blessing the steemchurch community dear sister
Amazing content
Hahahahahahaha, God is wonderful, yesterday in the service a succotess was succumbed due to the disobedience of the Youth of the congregation, they have a behavior not act for the things of God, request a meeting for the young people to talk about disobedience, and today you It deals with the issue of disobedience (that's why my laughter) glory to God.
We know that part of the human being tends to be disobedient, and the beloved father always there is to forgive us but we do not have to be at every moment in disobedience for the causes in which this leads to our lives, we want to be blessed at every moment but the Father will ask himself how will you receive the rich blessings always doing the bad? reflective and apartmosno of all evil the bible tells us and you mention it in this post the first disobedient were our first parents in the garden of Eden and we must take their example on them cursed curses devido to this failure and we all know and to which all we pay for such disobedience, thank you for sharing this post
God is magnificent that merciful, that in spite of our mistakes he continues to love us for what he gives us a punishment when we are disobedient and we turn our backs on him but all punishment exhortation has its good result and he as our Father does it out of love. Thanks for sharing
Very good publication, takes us to the reflection of what takes us our acts of disobedience that is falling into a warning of perdition, and it happens even more, when we know the situation of what we are going to do but still we do it, blessings
Hello, darlenys01 Very good reflection, obedience and humility of the hand is pleasing to GOD.
GOD will continue to bless you
Food for the soul, Biblical doctrine to reflect. Good word @darlenys. Your teachings through the bible are examples to grow spiritually every day. Certainly not obeying God brings very negative consequences for our lives in all areas, specifically emotionally. But our God is good, and always gives us an opportunity to reflect. Thank you for this gratifying message.