The Privilege of Worshiping God.

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Isaiah chapter six is ​​a classic text on the subject of worship. There is recorded the encounter that the prophet had with God and that marked his life. This fact essentially describes what worship is. We are told:

"In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a high and sublime throne, and his skirts filled the temple. Above him were seraphim; each had six wings; with two they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew. And they cried to one another, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Jehovah of hosts; All the earth is full of his glory. And the doorjambs shook with the voice of the one who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke. Then I said: Woe to me! that I am dead; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people who have unclean lips, and have seen my eyes the King, the Lord of hosts. "
-Isaiah 6: 1-5

Edited image

This text contains two important truths to highlight. The first one is that Isaiah has the privilege of contemplating God in his glory. The Lord took off a veil and invited His servant to look at His majesty. This "unveiling" is what made this encounter and that "contemplation" astonished of the prophet possible. This is essentially worship.
Isaiah discovers that the God whom he has served was much more sublime and more powerful than he thought. Isaiah was shaken and shaken by that vision. The glory of our God will always escape what the human mind can grasp, understand and even endure.

Being an anointed of the Lord he had to fall on his knees and cry out for his own spiritual condition as he looked at the majesty of God. This is the second important truth we find here: Isaiah responded to God's revelation in the best way that a human being can. God prostrated and cried out: "Woe to me! I recognize my condition and I need you. "
From the above we derive another especially relevant truth: Before we can worship we need that God first reveals himself to us.

Do you know something? In this sense God has always taken the first step so that you and I can know Him, that is why we are here, in connection through this book because He revealed himself to us and we have a common faith.

Summarizing the aforementioned we can say:

"What, then, is worship? It is to pay attention to the revelation of God (be it a special one, the Bible the general revelation) and respond to it. "

John MacArthur, a successful Christian writer, stated in an article in the Discipleship Journal, the following:
"The essence and the heart of worship is an intense and unselfish desire to give to God. That desire begins with the surrender of ourselves, then the surrender of our attitudes and our possessions, until worship becomes a way of life. "


William Temple defines the deep worship of saying:

"Worship is the awakening of the conscience of man for the holiness of God. Worship is to nourish the mind with the divine truth and cleanse the imagination with the beauty of God, open the heart to the love of God and surrender the will to the purpose of God. "

The book of Psalms calls the entire race to worship God in the correct way:

"Pay tribute to the Lord, O children of the powerful. Give Jehovah the glory and the power. Give Jehovah the glory due to his name; worship Jehovah in the beauty of holiness. "
-Psalm 29: 1

In Psalm 104, David tells us: In Psalm 104, David tells us: "Jehovah, my God, you have greatly magnified yourself; you have dressed in glory and magnificence. "
How do we respond correctly to a God with such dimensions of glory and character? Adoring him in beauty is his holiness.
Another of the psalms, the 18th, has a series of declarations and confessions of the psalmist before God that are wonderful.
"In my anguish I called on the Lord, and I cried out to my God. He heard my voice from his temple, and my cry came before him, to his ears. The earth was shaken and trembled; The foundations of the mountains were shaken, and they trembled, because he was indignant. Smoke rose from his nose, and from his mouth consuming fire; coals were lit by him. He bowed the heavens, and descended; and there was dense darkness under his feet. He rode on a cherub, and flew; He flew on the wings of the wind. He put darkness in his hiding place, by his curtain around himself; darkness of waters, clouds of the heavens. By the brightness of his presence, his clouds passed; hail and burning coals. The LORD thundered in the heavens, and the Most High gave his voice; hail and coals of fire. He sent his arrows, and scattered them; He threw lightning and destroyed…"

-Psalm 18: 6-14

Notice the words with which this man describes the intervention of God in his favor and that of his children. It is not simply rhetorical, it has to do with the manifestation of God on a level and in a way that we are not used to seeing it.

Our God is terrible! I wonder if we are responding adequately to that God who is described to us in the Psalms. Do we have in mind this kind of perspective about God when we sing a song while we finish chewing gum? Have we lost that sense of wonder that invaded the psalmist as well as Isaiah?

The disciples climbed the mountain with Jesus to be in the presence of God, and before his amazement, the face of Jesus was transformed like the sun's radiance, his clothes shone with a whiteness that no soap could ever achieve (the evangelist tells us) . And as if that were not enough, while a cloud of light covered them, a voice like thunder said: "This is my beloved son in whom I am pleased".

What would the disciples be thinking?

Perhaps they said among themselves:

"We thought we were with Jesus our friend." With him we played, we even joked with him yesterday. But who is this one who is with us? What kind of man is this who is walking with us? He is dressed in flesh like us but inside he has something we do not understand, a glory that is more sublime than the whole heavens! "

The disciples melted like butter at their feet!
In the dramatic outcome of Job's story, the Lord takes the floor to question the arguments of his friends. In his eternal wisdom, the Lord confronts the limitations of man before the vastness of his power and knowledge:

"Where were you when I founded the earth? Let me know, if you have intelligence ...

Who locked the sea with doors?
When she spilled out of her womb,
9 When I put clouds for your garment,
And because of its darkness,
10 And I established my decree on him,
I put doors and bolts,
11 And I said, Up to here you will come, and you will not go on,
And will the pride of your waves stop there? Have you shown the dawn its place, 16 Have you come to the fountains of the sea, And have you searched the abyss? 17 Have the gates of death been revealed to you, And you have seen the gates of the shadow of death? 18 Have you considered the breadth of the earth? Declares if you know all this.19 Where does the road go to the room of light, And where is the place of darkness, 20 So that you take them to their limits, and understand the paths of their house? 21 You know it! For then you were already born, And the number of your days is great.22 Have you entered the treasures of the snow, Or have you seen the treasures of hail, By what way is the light divided, And the east wind is scattered? on the earth? 25 Who distributed the conduit to the storm, And the way to lightning and thunder, 26 Making rain on the uninhabited land, On the desert, where there is no man, 27 To satiate the deserted and uncultivated land,
And to make sprout the tender grass? 28 Does the rain father, or who begot the drops of dew? 29 From what womb did the ice come out? And the frost of the sky, who begot it? 30 The waters harden to stone way,
And the face of the deep freezes. Did you suppose the ordinances of the heavens? Will you have power over the earth? 34 Will you raise your voice to the clouds, so that a crowd of waters will cover you? lightning, that they may go, and will they say to you, "Here we are?" 36 Who put wisdom into the heart, or who gave the mind intelligence?


This holy man remains silent before the words and revelation of God and repents:

In addition, Jehovah answered Job, and said:
Is it wisdom to contend with the Almighty? Then Job answered the Lord, and said, Behold, I am vile; What will I answer?
My hand I put over my mouth. Once I spoke, but I will not answer;
Even twice, but I will not speak again ... Heard I had heard you;
But now my eyes see you. Therefore I abhor myself, And I repent in dust and ashes.

  • Job 40: 1-2,4-5: 42: 5-6

Who is this God who wants to reveal himself to us? And, who are those who are going to be able to adore him?

The psalmist questions the same question and responded by saying:

Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord?

And who will be in his holy place? The clean of hands and pure of heart;
He who has not lifted up his soul to vain things,
Not sworn with deceit. He will receive blessing from Jehovah,
And justice of the God of salvation. Such is the generation of those who seek him,
Of those who seek your face, O God of Jacob.
-Psalm 24: 3-6

The sanctity of life, the rectitude of character and devotion were essential features in those who wanted to approach the true God to worship him. Not everyone could pretend to enter his presence. In fact, the figure of adoration in the old testament is that of one man, dressed in holy garments that could witness the warm light that illuminated the most holy place with glory. A man, once a year, with an offering for sin. Nobody else!

>>Who then could qualify? NO ONE, except that perfect one that in a single day and with a single offering opened the way for all: Jesus the lamb! The veil that separated us is broken since then. The privilege is now extended to everyone, but not everyone enjoys it.


To adore God has no price, it is a sublime, selfless surrender, a total surrender of surrender in body, soul and spirit. Excellent teaching @darlenys, thank you for bringing it to the people of God who constantly need the word, to vivify our daily life.

Good message about the privilege of faith to worship, in truth, worship is a privilege. The nature of Christian worship is from the inside out, and it has two equally important qualities. We must worship "in spirit and in truth" (John 4: 23-24). Blessings Apóstol

Worshiping God is a privilege, it is a genuine intimacy with the father

Worshiping praise and glorifying your name is the best we can do

Worshiping praise and
Glorifying your name is
The best we can do

                 - luisanita

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Hello, darlenys01, excellent publication. It is a true privilege. We avail ourselves of our time to worship GOD establish an intimacy with him. Worship is offering our lives to please GOD. Only to GOD should we worship and serve.

GOD blessed you.

For me it is an honor to adore my father who is in heaven

Great, this topic was discussed in my congregation last Sunday, and we meditated on Isaiah's answer,

Then one of the seraphim flew at me with a glowing coal, which he had taken with altar clamps. I touch my mouth and said: "Look, this touched your lips, your guilt is taken away and your sin expiated"

the revelation indicates that the burning coal represents the word rebelled by the Holy Spirit of God, Isaiah was not the same after that experience feared for his life when he said: woe to me !, because the majestic glory of God could eliminate him with the fact of being of unclean lips.

With your publication I learned something more from this biblical passage, thank you for sharing

Friend @ Darlrnys01 I have not been able to write to him in the discor, because I do not know how he is, do not think that I forgot what I promised him with my collaboration of the day of the child. I'm waiting for a friend who will explain to me how the discorder works. Greeting

John 4: 23-24
But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will >worship the Father in spirit and in truth; because also the Father such >worshipers seek to be worshiped. God is Spirit; and those who adore >him, in spirit and truth, must worship.

To worship and serve the Lord is a great honor and beautiful privilege. Beautiful teaching. God bless you

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